4-H Summer Projects and Activities Update


Our office has been bustling this week. Summer camp registrations are pouring in, we are finalizing changes for the county fair, and making plans for upcoming 4-H project meetings. It has been so busy that we almost didn’t realize- summer has arrived!

With schools letting out for the summer, 4-H activities are in full swing. While 4-H projects and clubs host meetings throughout the year, summertime is the busiest season for 4-H. Many of our 4-H projects will start meeting weekly now that school is out, if they were not already.

4-H stands apart from all other programs by fostering true leadership through its emphasis on critical building blocks: confidence, resilience, responsibility, curiosity and respect. Confidence is built on the range at 4-H archery and shotgun practices all summer. Resilience will thrive in 4-H Horse project members who saddle up every week for practice. Responsibility lives in 4-H members who tirelessly work with their livestock in the mud, heat and Kansas winds. Curiosity grows in 4-H’ers who are preparing their rockets for lift off in the space tech project. 4-H Camp Counselors will develop respect for themselves and others as they lead campers at Rock Springs 4-H Center. 4-H Community Clubs are planning service projects and building character while doing it.

No matter what the 4-H project, camp, or club meeting is this summer, one thing always rings true: 4-H will empower kids with skills to lead for a lifetime.


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