A Cowboy’s Faith


By Frank J. Buchman


Forgiving Unintentional Offending Actions


“Boy, you sure do get your feelings hurt easy.”


Somebody said that Saturday morning during the county fair hog show when a young exhibitor was in tears after the judge talked to him about showing his entry.


Made us think how easy it is to offend another unintentionally and give a wrong impression.


Yet, when one who feels reprimanded takes advice to heart following suggestions, there’s usually improvement and future achievement.


It’s so much better to become emotional about what one did wrong or different than an official or another expected and wanted, than to ignore it. Or worse, make a rude response.  Generally, judgmental comments have particular worth, somewhere.


Reflections come of the little girl with little experience riding a friend’s horse at the horseshow. Obviously, it was not a pleasant time as the scowling  rider constantly jerked on the horse,  hollered, “You stupid horse,” when the horse stepped on  reins the girl dropped. Surely the horse was uncomfortable from the disrespect and voice tone; certainly we were.


Many can’t understand, but as old as we are, as much as we’ve seen and done, for some reason we are quite sensitive.  Things are sometimes said to rub the wrong way, but others we interpret them erroneously. Efforts are made to consider all angles for advancement.


Comments taken as sharp jabs in six decades by teachers,  students and even acquaintances throughout life remain permanently offensive, unchangeable.


As much as what one says can cut through another, being ignored, not asked, or having ideas, suggestions rebutted without consideration, is more insulting.


Horses get feelings hurt just as easily. Some become sad when not acknowledged upon arrival. Not loading them in the trailer, or even riding their mate can seem to hurt. Especially upsetting to smart horses is an undeserved harsh remark, rein jerk, slap, spur jab.  Missing a calf when a horse puts the roper in perfect position offends goods ones.


Reminds us of Romans 14:5: “If feelings are hurt  by an action, you are not walking in love.” Yet, sometimes, Matthew 15:12: “They did not know one was offended by such.” So, Second Samuel 21:2: “They promised not to hurt them.” Still, First Kings 8:30: “Forgive when someone hurts a neighbor promising to make right.” And, James 5:15: “Then, one will heal inside and out.”




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