Recipe for New Global Order


by Sandra Coleman

EVOLUTION OF AN IDEA—that is self contradictory

(sponsored by that ageless tool, Political Correctness)

There are no absolutes,


We must be tolerant.

That we should be tolerant is an absolute.

Alas, there must be some absolutes.

Absolutes must be recognized.

What are the absolutes? Besides tolerance?

Absolutes must be what the power structure understands as absolutes.

Today’s absolutes: Racism is rampant; all white privileged people are afflicted. Man- made Climate Change is an indisputable truth.(Science- a tool to fuel agenda)  Macro Evolution, although inherently racist (implies some races lower on the scale), is indisputably true. Gender is a choice. Illegal immigration is just fine despite risks. Although the police are guilty until proven innocent, the criminal only is innocent until proven guilty, Intolerance of any assault on previously held traditional absolutes unacceptable.


There are absolutes.  Absolutely!

What you have read is also an absolute. Absolute Irony – a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.


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