I remember: Flying high!


By Doris Schroeder

I know from all our years of living that life is changing fast. Life has its ups and downs and flying isn’t what it used to be.  In our earlier life we were given many opportunities to fly to different parts of the world. I must say, in every instance it was an experience we enjoyed and brought back many amazing adventures that we love to remember. Nowadays, however. life is changing, and not always to the good because the world is leaving out the most important ingredient of all…that of our Creator.

Our son John and  his wife Carol were here for the week end flying in from Tampa, Florida. Coming in on Saturday, their plane flew through terrible turbulence and they bounced around in their seats. “If we hadn’t had our seat belts on, we would have literally been flying all around the plane’s cabin!” they told us. On Sunday our son John was literally sick with an upset stomach and a migraine and had to sleep on our couch for the entire day, while Carol visited with her father, Pete Siebert, at the Buhler Sunshine Home.

On board the plane, the stewardess never even asked them if they wanted some water. They had to stop her and ask. She had an attitude in the altitude. The unrest among our population is growing when they have nothing to ground them.

John realizes the way so many are going as he is an IFCA endorsed chaplain at the Pinellas County Jail in Clearwater, Florida, for the last fifteen years, having also served as a chaplain in the military for 23 years. His article “Free behind Bars” was in their latest Journal magazine entitled “Voice.”

What is happening to our world of today? There is such an unrest among so many people and no man can give them the answer. Without something to ground them, they are so many that fly around without an anchor to hold on to.

A Christian man in our church who always  has had a wonderful disposition as he loved the fact that God was always with him. He became a cripple in a wheel chair in his older years and God is using him as an example to us of what a total faith in Christ can produce. Did that pain change the smile on his face? It is more radiant now than ever as he tells us what a wonderful life he has had, serving the Lord. It doesn’t take wealth and fame but a complete trust in God to bring this about, knowing that whatever happens, God will work it out to our good. What a legacy he is to all of us!

We so enjoyed hearing Dr. Wayne Johnson, our former pastor, now in full time missionary service to churches and groups all over the world, speak to our Young at Hearts group on Nov. 18. He talked about My Bible and me in a simple, direct way that is easy to understand. We need to read it every day and study its passages in order for it to help us after we have become a part of God‘s family. I realized how very true that is and how I am sometimes remiss in following through. I also understand anew that in order to get through the Christian life as it is today, it is totally necessary to be in close contact with my God and creator. It is ONLY He who has the answers, EVEN in today’s world! How completely scary and senseless to go through this life today without him!

The pastor of our church at Medora Bible, Ron Mandeville, has been going through the book of Luke and bringing out some important truths that can take us through the tough days that are facing our country and our world today.

Even as Daniel Webster reminded the people in Plymouth, Mass., in 1820: “Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens,” maintains we cannot leave God out of our country as we seem to tend to do.  That is the only way to give us a sweet and sure taste of life and the reason for our being on this earth.

Yes, we can even “fly high” if we keep our eyes on our heavenly Father!

Doris welcomes your comments and can be reached at [email protected]




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