The After Christmas Sale


I know most people love the day after Christmas sales each year and the bargains they can pick up for the next holiday. I usually didn’t get the chance to hit the sales because the day after Christmas was just another workday.
But one year, when the day after Christmas was on a Saturday I decided to go to Wal-Mart to buy a few of the large tubs to store Christmas ornaments and decorations in. They are about 4 feet long and about14-16 inches deep. They have little red trays that sit at the top of the tub to hold small delicate ornaments.
When they opened the doors for the sale, I was literally pushed and shoved back to the Christmas aisle. My husband grabbed a basket on the way in and he took the basket and stood a few aisles away to get out of the rush of the women trying to get bargains. I had no idea what I was going to get into that morning just to get two of the storage tubs.
Being body slammed, to get me to move over to let a woman into a spot at the table, was my first clue that it was not a good idea to be at the day after Christmas sale at Wal-Mart. I should have been wearing body armor and steel-toed army boots to be safe at that table. When she slammed into me, I just needed to grab 2 lids for the containers that I had already picked up. I was trying to balance the containers while looking for the lids.
The containers I had in my hands were almost as tall as I am so it was no easy task to keep them under control. The woman slammed into me while I was reaching for the lids. The crazed woman was rummaging through the tubs on the table and kept looking at the ones I had in my hands with the little trays resting in the top of the container.
This woman yelled at me while she was tossing things around on the table: “What the heck (well it did start with an H and had 4 letters in the word) are those tubs for?” I gave her a look like she was crazy and thought if you don’t know what they are for, why are you so intent on running over everyone at the table to get them?
Before the woman on the other side of the table or I could tell her they were ornament boxes, she looked at us again and said: “What the heck (again it had 4 letters in the word and it did start with an H.)! Who cares what they are for they are on sale!”
The irritating crazed woman grabbed 4 of the containers and 4 lids as she tromped all over everyone around her and headed to her cart sitting out in the big aisle. The women left at the table looked at each other and then burst out laughing as we finished rounding up what we wanted and moved away from the table.
All the time this free for all was going on and I was getting body slammed and pushed around by a crazed woman shopper, my husband was standing 2 aisles over with the cart. He told me when we arrived that he was not going to get anywhere close to that table. He said he would wait with the cart.
He had not moved from his spot, so I dragged the 2 boxes with the little trays I’d wanted over to the cart and slammed them into the cart. He wanted to know if there was anything else I wanted to get while we were there at the after Christmas sale.
I am sure the look I gave him was the same look I gave that crazy woman and I told him NO! Not just no, but heck no (okay….. it had the same 4 letters in the word the woman had been was using). There were a few other things that I thought I might look at for the next Christmas but decided that I didn’t want to run into that crazed woman again anywhere else in the Christmas aisles.
After barely surviving with life and limb and getting out of there with only a few bruises, I decided the after Christmas sale at Wal-Mart (or any store) was not for me. I will happily buy what I want or need when the season rolls around again and pay full price. That way I won’t get killed or lose a limb or get bruised all over just to get a bargain at the day after Christmas sale. To contact Sandy: [email protected]


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