Butler Students Named to All-Kansas Academic Team


credit – Butler Community College

Four area Butler Community College students have been named to the 2014-15 All-Kansas Academic Team and were honored in Topeka earlier this month.

The event, sponsored by the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, the Kansas Association of Community College Trustees and the Kansas Council of Community College Presidents, recognized top students from the state’s community colleges.

Scholars recognized from Butler Community College included Nikki Dixon and Kaitlyn Pracht of Wichita, Megan Schuster of Richmond, Kan., and Ocean Swartz of Derby. All four students are members of the Alpha Phi Alpha chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.

The 2014-15 All-Kansas Academic Team was recognized Feb. 12 in Topeka during the 20th Annual Phi Theta Kappa Honors Luncheon held at the Ramada in conjunction with February’s Kansas Board of Regents meeting. The students toured the Capitol, met legislators and heard keynote speaker Dr. Rod Risley, executive director of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

Those honored were presented an educational scholarship of $300, an academic medallion, and a certificate signed by Kansas Governor Sam Brownback. In addition, a minimum $1,000 scholarship will be provided to All-Kansas Team recipients who transfer to Kansas Board of Regents universities, Washburn University or a Kansas independent college.

Each scholar is now nominated for the 2014-15 All-USA Academic Team, sponsored by USA Today, Phi Theta Kappa and the American Association of Community Colleges. First-team members will receive a $2,500 stipend and will be featured along with second- and third-team members in USA Today. Team members are also presented with medallions. Names of the students will be placed on the society’s website, www.ptk.org.

Phi Theta Kappa is the honor society for students attending two-year community colleges. Membership is based on high grade point averages and other criteria, with members focusing on scholastic achievement and service to community and campus. This year’s 55 scholars are part of a statewide student body of more than 132,500 students enrolled at the 19 Kansas community colleges. Each scholar was selected by his or her own community college for the annual statewide academic team.

More about Butler’s All-Kansas Team members:

Nikki Dixon of Wichita is majoring in science and plans to transfer to Wichita State University.

Kaitlyn Pracht of Wichita is majoring in nursing and Spanish, and plans to transfer to Emporia State University. She is the chapter’s vice president of communications, and volunteers for Adopt A Highway and the American Red Cross.

Megan Schuster of Richmond, Kan. is majoring in agribusiness and plans to transfer to Kansas State University. She is Phi Beta Lambda’s vice president and seventh national public speaker; a resident assistant; a member of student government; a Butler Executive Board student representative; a Student Horizon Leader Award nominee; a tutor; an intramural sports team captain; a Presidential Student Forum member; an Agriculture Ambassador; and a volunteer for multiple Butler service events.

Ocean Swartz of Derby is actually 17 an on track to graduate simultaneously from Derby High School and Butler in May via Butler’s Early College Health Sciences Academy in Rose Hill. She plans to major in nursing at Wichita State University this fall then continue for a doctorate to work as a nurse practitioner, possibly specializing in neonatology. She is a member of Project Change the World Now and volunteers for Wesley Medical Center.


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