Cheney Recreation Commission RIPPED/Kettlebell 


Cheney Recreation Commission

photo credit: Travis Wise

RIPPED is a high energy workout that masterfully combines an easy yet effective cardiovascular routine interlaced with weights and resistance.  It is a fun class lead by Jennifer Graber created for all fitness levels and will produce results you are looking for. New session on Monday & Wednesday will be Kettlebell fitness and Fridays will be RIPPED. More sessions will be added, look on CRC website and sign up on the instructors Facebook page for class updates.

Session 2:               February 16-March 27

Days:                      Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

Time:                      5:00-6:00 a.m.

Fee:                         $40 per session for 2 days, $5 drop in fee

                                $55 per session for 3 days

Location:                CRC Building

Deadline:                Friday before each session


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