Harvey County 4-H Dog Care and Training Project


Did your family rescue a dog from the shelter this year? Did you inherit a new puppy? Maybe it is time to teach old Fido a few new tricks. The Harvey County 4-H Dog Care and Training Project is perfect for your family!

4-H members will learn to train a dog for agility, obedience, showmanship or as an ideal pet. Topics include canine behavior, breed characteristics, diseases, ethics, grooming, health, nutrition, responsible breeding, service dogs, therapy dogs, dog-related careers, and the wide array of dog sports. You can also choose to compete in the 4-H county or state dog show.

This project is for youth ages 7-18 (by Jan. 1, 2016) who are interested in learning more about dogs, how to care for a dog and how to train a dog in basic or advanced commands.

Any kind of dog may be used in this unique project that is not designed to conform to AKC or other professional standards. 4-H members without dogs may wish to participate in quiz bowls, conference and other activities that do not require dog ownership.

For more information about the Harvey County 4-H Dog Project or how to join Harvey County 4-H, contact Hannah at the Harvey County Extension Office.


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