Newton: Zombie Fun Run 2015 is Sunday


Heart to Heart Child Advocacy Center’s (501C3) charitable Zombie Fun Run, Sunday  is October 25th.  The  Zombie Fun Run is a 2 mile run/walk to save your life. This race is not about the best time, but being able to outrun the zombies that will appear at different points along the course…Ready to Attack and Eat Your Brain!!!!!  Runners will be issued life lines (flags) to wear on a belt. The flags will represent your life. To survive, you must finish the course with at least one life line (flag).

Registration is at 5:00p first wave at 5:30p. This is a charitable Fun Run, not a competition….unless you call running for your life….a race! See poster for details. Cost: 15.00.  More information and registration is available on the website. 




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