The 2016 Harvey County Home & Garden show is coming


The K-State Research and Extension Harvey County and Harvey County Master Gardeners have been hard at work planning the show this year. The theme is “Gardening Through the Ages: Victorian, Victory, Modern”.

Show dates are March 19 and 20 at the Armory at 400 Grandview in Newton, KS.

The show features Home and Garden exhibitors, education seminars, educational displays, door prizes and Harvey County Farmers Market vendors.

The educational seminars include topics related to landscaping growing mushroom fruit in the back yard, home security, raising chickens in town, the history of aprons, and more.

Children are invited to come build a mini-scarecrow to take home! This activity will be available at 2:00 PM each day of the show!

The admission for the show is $1.00 each day, Children 12 & under are free. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 316-284-6930 or email is [email protected] .


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