Newton Police release statement on scam calls


The Newton Police department released the following statement on their facebook account April 31st. Over the past few days, the Newton Police Department has received several calls from people wanting to report callers claiming to be from the IRS. This is an IRS Imposter Scam.
If you do receive a call from an IRS Imposter, here is some helpful information.

What is an IRS Imposter Scam?
• The IRS Imposter will inform you that you owe them money. They may sound intimidating and may threaten to arrest or deport you. Please be aware the IRS will never request local law enforcement to arrest you for nonpayment.
• The IRS Imposter may demand your credit card payment over the phone or request that you send them a prepaid debit card. Please be aware the IRS will not ask for credit cards numbers over the phone or for a prepaid debit card.
• The IRS Imposter may rig caller ID to make it look like they are calling from the IRS, they may also know part of your social security number and date of birth.
• Be aware that the IRS will never call you by phone, they will contact you by mail and provide a contact number to you. If you are have tax questions or concern about owing taxes, the IRS number is 1-800-829-1040.

What you can do to protect yourself from these types of scams.
• If you receive a call from someone claiming to be an IRS agent, the best thing to do is hang up.
• Do not give the caller any personal information, such as social security number, date of birth, Medicare number, credit card number or bank account information. The Newton Police Department will only take a report if you have given out your personal information. The Newton Police Department will not take a report if you are receiving calls from imposters claiming to be IRS agents or any other scams, unless personal information has been exchanged.
• If you have given the caller your personal information, tell the imposter that you are reporting the call to your local police department and hang up.
• Call your phone provider and ask if there is a fee to block scamming number(s).
• Sign up for the “Do Not Call” list at and take yourself off multiple mailing lists.
• For more information about crime prevention and scams, please view the City of Newton website, the Police Department tab will provide additional crime prevention tips.


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