Wichita: Maci Crowder completes tree-related service project at preschool


Maci Crowder of Wichita, was one of five WIlliam Woods University students who conducted a tree-related service project at Fulton Preschool in honor of Arbor Day and Earth Day. The students are members of the campus recycling committee, Sustaining the Woods.

“We spent the day finger painting trees, colored birds for their class tree, and read books to them,” Hope Gutierrez, vice president of the club, said. “We actually purchased the books and donated them to the preschool.”

They donated “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss, “Tree” by Britta Teckentrup and “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein.

“The overall experience was a success-the students had a fun time painting and reading books,” Gutierrez said. “We plan to do it every year around earth day, with fun activities. We just want to get more involved with the community.”

William Woods University is an independent, professions-oriented, liberal arts-based institution serving the educational needs of both men and women. William Woods has an enrollment of about 3,500 students, and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in a variety of disciplines in campus and outreach settings and online.

The 225-acre main campus is located in the mid-Missouri community of Fulton. Since its founding in 1870, the mission of William Woods has been to provide a quality education while ensuring the development of the individual.


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