Administration Action on Waters of the U.S. Rule Helps All


President Trump’s recent executive order to roll back the Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Pruitt’s effort to withdraw the rule, is welcome to not just farmers and ranchers across the country, but to anyone who understands the danger of unrestricted government overreach.

Builders, homeowners, developers, golf course managers, cities, counties, states, and farmers and ranchers knew the WOTUS rule was a federal land grab, aimed at telling farmers, ranchers and others how to run their businesses. The previous administration’s Environmental Protection Agency failed to listen to farmers’ and ranchers’ concerns when drafting the rule and instead created widespread confusion for agriculture. Under the rule, the smallest pond or ditch could be declared a federal waterway.

We join many of our fellow Kansans to thank President Trump and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Pruitt’s efforts to stop WOTUS, answer the call for a common-sense approach to regulatory reform, and recognize the positive conservation efforts of farmers and ranchers.

Rich Felts
Kansas Farm Bureau


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