‘Farming for the Future’ program set in four Kansas locations


Topics will assist farmers and ranchers in planning for upcoming years

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Historically low crop prices and slipping farmland values continue to weigh on the bottom line for farmers and ranchers. To address those challenges and support producers as they plan for what’s to come, Kansas State University will host a one-day program “Farming for the Future” in four locations this winter.

The program, offered by K-State Research and Extension and the K-State Department of Agricultural Economics, will be the same at each location:

  • Dec. 14 – Pratt – Pratt Area 4-H Center, 81 Lake Rd. – 620-672-6121
  • Dec. 19 – Salina – Webster Conference Center, 2601 N. Ohio St. – 785-392-2147
  • Jan. 10 – Scott City – Wm. Carpenter 4-H Building, 608 N. Fairgrounds Rd. – 620-872-2930
  • Jan. 11 – Emporia – Anderson Building, 2700 W. U.S. Highway 50 – 620-341-3220

Presentations will include an overview of the current farm financial situation; Kansas land values and rental rates; Farm Service Agency programs; grain market outlook; beef cattle market outlook; macroeconomic and interest rate outlook; and managing farm financials during challenging times.

Register by calling the K-State Research and Extension office listed or online at www.agmanager.info/events/farming-future .

At the end of the program, attendees will have an opportunity to sign up to work one-on-one with a K-State farm analyst. Those confidential appointments will be offered locally about three weeks after the Farming for the Future program. Trained agricultural economists will work with individual farmers and ranchers using financial software designed to help producers understand their individual financial situation and make informed decisions. More information and registration are available at www.agmanager.info/events/farm-financial-workshops.

Funding for these educational programs was provided by the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center and the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and local sponsors.

To listen to a radio interview with K-State agricultural economists Mykel Taylor and Robin Reid discussing more about the “Farming for the Future” sessions, visit www.ksre.k-state.edu/news/radio-network/agtoday-mp3/111717-reidtaylor.MP3


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