K-State Forage Bowl Team takes top honors in national competition


The Kansas State University Agronomy Forage Bowl Team took first place honors in the National Forage Bowl Competition held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana Jan. 10 – 13, 2016. The National Forage Bowl Competition is held in conjunction with the American Forage and Grassland Council Annual Meeting.

 This is the second year in a row the K-State team has won the national competition.

The format of the National Forage Bowl Competition is similar to the popular game show Jeopardy. A moderator asks the undergraduate student teams a series of questions about forage production, management and utilization. Student teams compete to be the first to answer each question correctly. The questions and answers are chosen by a panel of forage experts. Topics include forage and grassland history, plant physiology, forage quality, grazing management, poisons and toxicity, hay/silage, and identification of forages and weeds.

 K-State Agronomy Forage Bowl Team members are: Jessica Bramhall, junior, Seneca; Cole Renner, sophomore, Norton; Cami Roth, junior, Sterling; Alexandria Mustain, junior, Leavenworth; and Derek Balzer, junior, Belle Plaine. All students are majoring in agronomy except Cami Roth, who is majoring in animal sciences and industry.

 The K-State Forage Bowl Team was coached by Doohong Min, assistant professor of agronomy.


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