Kansas Wheat welcomes new Director of Governmental Affairs

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Kansas Wheat is pleased to introduce Daniel Heady as the new Governmental Affairs Director. Heady began work on August 3, 2015, and is responsible for the legislative and grassroots efforts, including state, national and international legislation and regulations impacting the Kansas wheat industry. His duties include membership recruitment and retention strategies, preparing and implementing leadership development programs and cultivating organizational relationships to communicate Kansas Wheat’s mission, vision and goals.
Heady is a 2011 graduate of the University of Kansas where he majored in political science and journalism. After graduation he went on to obtain a juristic doctorate from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law in 2014.
Prior to accepting this position Heady served as the government affairs director for the Wichita Association of Realtors. As government affairs director, he managed all political activities including monitoring policy and lobbying on behalf of the association on the local, state and federal level.
Heady is originally from Prairie Village, Kansas, and has worked in Washington D.C., for the D.C. Legislative and Regulatory Services that focused on agriculture and small business legislation.
“I started out my first job in politics working and lobbying for them in Washington D.C.,” said Heady. “Ever since then I wanted to go back to working in Ag policy and working for Kansas wheat growers.”
Heady explained the governmental affairs position at Kansas Wheat seemed like a natural fit for him saying there is no better opportunity than this for someone who is born and raised in Kansas.
“Ag is full of good people no matter where you go, whether it is in Kansas or in Washington D.C., said Heady. “So, I am looking forward to working with the members of the community that make this association run.”
Kansas Wheat is proud to welcome Heady and confident he will bring hard work and experience to the position.
“We are excited to have Daniel on board. His strengths and education will benefit our association and our members,” said Justin Gilpin, Kansas Wheat CEO.


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