New agriculture data released today for American Indian Reservations

 Matt Davis
Matt Davis

Washington, Aug. 29, 2014 –The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) today released the 2012 Census of Agriculture American Indian Reservations report. This is the third agriculture census in which NASS has collected reservation-level data. The report covers 76 American Indian reservations in 16 states.

“The Census of Agriculture American Indian Reservations report shows the importance and value of agriculture on reservations,” said NASS Administrator Joseph T. Reilly. “Collected only once every five years as part of the national Census of Agriculture, the reservation-level data provide tribal leaders, government officials, farmers, agribusinesses and others with data to help make informed decisions and thoughtfully allocate resources.”

The 2012 Census of Agriculture American Indian Reservations report contains a variety of reservation-level statistics, including:

•       Number and size of farms
•       Farm tenure and organization type
•       Market value of farm products sold
•       Major crop and livestock items
•       Farm economic characteristics and expenses
•       Farm operators’ age, sex, primary occupation, and number of years on farm

“NASS is committed to ensuring that every farmer and rancher is represented in the Census of Agriculture, and we’ve worked closely with our tribal partners and community based organizations to improve census participation in Indian country,” added Reilly. “This newest report is the most comprehensive American Indian Reservation volume NASS has ever released, and we look forward to continuing to work with our stakeholders and to sharing the data with the tribal communities.”

The American Indian Reservations report continues the series of products NASS published following the May release of the 2012 Census of Agriculture results. NASS will continue to release new products throughout the year as the agency explores the more than 6 million data points captured in the agriculture census, including information on organic production, typology and watershed data.

For access to the 2012 Census of Agriculture American Indian Reservations report and all other Census data and tools, visit

Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service


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