Sara Wyant Receives American Agri-Women’s VERITAS Award


Bloomington, Minn (AgPR) Jan. 18, 2018  The American Agri-Women (AAWpresented Sara Wyant of Missouri the Veritas award at their recent convention in Bloomington Minnesota. She originally worked with Illinois Agri-Women in the 1980’s when her job took her to Illinois as part of the Farm Progress Show. Sara was honored for her reporting of State and National Ag Issues that affect daily farm policies. Sara has a long history of serving on AAW committees and always being supportive to AAW members visiting Washington, D.C. to seek independent, reliable information to develop AAW position statements.

Sara Wyant

She started Agri-Pulse in 2005 to report weekly to legislators, national media and the whole agriculture community. She recently had a special Farm Bill summit hosted by Agri-Pulse that she moderated.

Sara’s newsletter and website, Agri-Pulse, includes the latest updates on farm policy, commodity and conservation programs, trade, food safety, rural development, and environmental and regulatory programs.

In addition, she publishes an early morning news summary, Daily Harvest, providing busy readers with a quick overview of the latest farm, food and rural policy news each weekday. She frequently speaks at farm and commodity associations around the country.

Sara now lives in Missouri with her husband, Allan Johnson. She is the mother of 2 sons, Jason and Jordan. She maintains a Washington, D.C. office as well as one at home. 

About American Agri-Women
American Agri-Women (AAW) promotes the welfare of our national security through a safe and reliable food, fiber and mineral supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers; advocate for agriculture; and offer networking and professional development opportunities. For more information, or to join, visit Find AAW on social media at: and


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