Spring Bull sales


It is that time of year again. It is time to replenish your breeding bulls. Selecting good bulls can really pay dividends with the prices of the cattle market today. Although it doesn’t mean the prices with stay this high by the time you sell next year’s calves the way the markets are trending I would say it’s a good chance they will stay high for a while. Depending on if you are looking for a caving ease, high performance or a female making bulls bidding a few extra dollars at the sale will still be profitable for you in the future.

When selecting your bulls be sure to use EPDs (Estimated Progeny Difference) as a selection tool. EPDs are the most reliable predictors on an animal’s true genetic merit. EPDs will predict the differences in progeny performance, and are calculated from comparisons within contemporary groups. (A group of calves that were born in the same year, calving season, herd, and are of the same sex and were fed and managed alike.) But remember the young bulls are not proven yet so take that into consideration. The more you know about the bull’s dam and sires EPDs the better idea you will have on what kind of calves the bull that you are interested in will sire for you.


Debbie Church

Office Professional

Harvey County Extension

800 N Main, Room 11, P.O. Box 583

Newton, KS. 67114  316-284-6930


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