Crop Production

ISSN: 1936-3737

Released July 10, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).

Winter Wheat Production Down 3 Percent from June
Durum Wheat Production Up 42 Percent from 2014
Other Spring Wheat Production Up 4 Percent from 2014
Orange Production Down 1 Percent from June

Winter wheat production is forecast at 1.46 billion bushels, down 3 percent 
from the June 1 forecast but up 6 percent from 2014. Based on July 1 
conditions, the United States yield is forecast at 43.7 bushels per acre, 
down 0.8 bushel from last month but up 1.1 bushels from last year. The area 
expected to be harvested for grain or seed totals 33.3 million acres, 
unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 30, 2015 but up 3 percent 
from last year.

Hard Red Winter production, at 866 million bushels, is down 2 percent from 
last month. Soft Red Winter, at 393 million bushels, is down 5 percent from 
the June forecast. White Winter, at 196 million bushels, is down 4 percent 
from last month. Of the White Winter production, 12.7 million bushels are 
Hard White and 183 million bushels are Soft White.

Durum wheat production is forecast at 75.5 million bushels, up 42 percent 
from 2014. The United States yield is forecast at 39.6 bushels per acre, down 
0.1 bushel from last year. Expected area to be harvested for grain totals 
1.91 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report released on 
June 30, 2015 but up 43 percent from last year.

Other spring wheat production is forecast at 617 million bushels, up 
4 percent from last year. Area harvested for grain is expected to total 
13.2 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 30, 
2015 but up 4 percent from last year. The United States yield is forecast at 
46.7 bushels per acre, equal to the 2014 yield. Of the total production, 
573 million bushels are Hard Red Spring wheat, up 3 percent from last year. 

The United States all orange forecast for the 2014-2015 season is 
6.38 million tons, down 1 percent from the previous forecast and 
down 6 percent from the 2013-2014 final utilization. The Florida all orange 
forecast, at 96.7 million boxes (4.35 million tons), is up slightly from the 
previous forecast but down 8 percent from last season's final utilization. 
Early, midseason, and Navel varieties in Florida are forecast at 47.4 million 
boxes (2.13 million tons), unchanged from the previous forecast but down 
11 percent from last season's final utilization. The Florida Valencia orange 
forecast, at 49.3 million boxes (2.22 million tons), is up 1 percent from the 
previous forecast but down 4 percent from last season's final utilization.

The California Valencia orange forecast is 9.50 million boxes (380,000 tons), 
down 5 percent from the previous forecast and down 11 percent from last 
season's final utilization. The California Navel orange forecast is 
39.5 million boxes (1.58 million tons), down 1 percent from the previous 
forecast but up 2 percent from last season's final utilization. The Texas all 
orange forecast, at 1.70 million boxes (72,000 tons), is down 22 percent from 
the previous forecast and down 5 percent from last season's final 

Florida frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) yield forecast for the 
2014-2015 season is 1.50 gallons per box at 42.0 degrees Brix, unchanged from 
the June forecast but down 4 percent from last season's final yield of 
1.57 gallons per box. The non-Valencia portion is finalized at 1.42 gallons 
per box, down 7 percent from last season's yield. The Valencia portion is 
projected at 1.58 gallons, down 1 percent from last month's forecast and 
down 4 percent from last season's final yield of 1.64 gallons per box. All 
projections of yield assume the processing relationships this season will be 
similar to those of the past several seasons. 

This report was approved on July 10, 2015.

Secretary of Agriculture
Robert Johansson

Agricultural Statistics Board
James M. Harris


Oat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and Forecasted July 1, 2015......  5

Barley Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and Forecasted July 1, 2015...  5

Winter Wheat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and Forecasted 
July 1, 2015................................................................................................  6

Durum Wheat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and Forecasted 
July 1, 2015................................................................................................  7

Other Spring Wheat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and Forecasted 
July 1, 2015................................................................................................  7

Wheat Production by Class - United States: 2014 and Forecasted July 1, 2015.................................  7

Utilized Production of Citrus Fruits by Crop - States and United States: 2013-2014 and Forecasted 
July 1, 2015................................................................................................  8

Tobacco Area Harvested, Yield, and Production by Class - States and United States: 2014 and Forecasted 
July 1, 2015................................................................................................  9

Miscellaneous Fruits and Nuts Production by Crop - States and United States: 2014 and Forecasted 
July 1, 2015................................................................................................  9

Fall Potato Percent of Acreage Planted by Type of Potato - Selected States and Total: 2014 and 2015......... 10

Fall Potato Area Planted for Certified Seed - Selected States and Total: 2014 and 2015...................... 10

Dry Edible Pea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2014 and 2015......................... 11

Lentil Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2014 and 2015................................. 11

Austrian Winter Pea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2014 and 2015.................... 11

Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units - United States: 2014 and 2015..... 12

Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Metric Units - United States: 2014 and 2015....... 14

Fruits and Nuts Production in Domestic Units - United States: 2014 and 2015................................. 16

Fruits and Nuts Production in Metric Units - United States: 2014 and 2015................................... 17

Winter Wheat Objective Yield Percent of Samples Processed in the Lab - United States: 2011-2015............. 18

Winter Wheat Heads per Square Foot - Selected States: 2011-2015............................................. 19

Percent of Normal Precipitation Map......................................................................... 20

Departure from Normal Temperature Map....................................................................... 20

June Weather Summary........................................................................................ 21

June Agricultural Summary................................................................................... 21

Crop Comments............................................................................................... 24

Statistical Methodology..................................................................................... 27

Information Contacts........................................................................................ 29
Oat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and
Forecasted July 1, 2015
                  :    Area harvested     :    Yield per acre     :      Production       
       State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                  :   -- 1,000 acres --       ---- bushels ----         1,000 bushels     
California .......:      10          10       100.0        90.0       1,000         900   
Idaho ............:      15          20        82.0        83.0       1,230       1,660   
Illinois .........:      25          20        80.0        74.0       2,000       1,480   
Iowa .............:      55          55        64.0        67.0       3,520       3,685   
Kansas ...........:      15          20        56.0        60.0         840       1,200   
Michigan .........:      40          45        69.0        68.0       2,760       3,060   
Minnesota ........:     125         170        63.0        66.0       7,875      11,220   
Montana ..........:      16          22        69.0        60.0       1,104       1,320   
Nebraska .........:      20          30        80.0        60.0       1,600       1,800   
New York .........:      40          50        63.0        65.0       2,520       3,250   
North Dakota .....:     105         135        73.0        71.0       7,665       9,585   
Ohio .............:      39          34        63.0        63.0       2,457       2,142   
Oregon ...........:      18          16        85.0       100.0       1,530       1,600   
Pennsylvania .....:      60          60        58.0        56.0       3,480       3,360   
South Dakota .....:     100         135        93.0        86.0       9,300      11,610   
Texas ............:      45          40        38.0        48.0       1,710       1,920   
Wisconsin ........:     140         210        62.0        67.0       8,680      14,070   
Other States 1/ ..:     161         148        64.7        66.1      10,413       9,778   
United States ....:   1,029       1,220        67.7        68.6      69,684      83,640   
1/ Other States include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Missouri,   
   North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.     
   Individual State level estimates will be published in the "Small Grains 2015 Summary." 

Barley Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and
Forecasted July 1, 2015
                :   Area harvested    :   Yield per acre    :     Production      
      State     :   2014   :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   
                :     1,000 acres        ---- bushels ---        1,000 bushels    
Arizona ........:     32         18      125.0      115.0       4,000      2,070  
California .....:     25         25       73.0       70.0       1,825      1,750  
Colorado .......:     54         62      124.0      137.0       6,696      8,494  
Idaho ..........:    510        580       94.0      100.0      47,940     58,000  
Maryland .......:     45         39       77.0       73.0       3,465      2,847  
Minnesota ......:     60         85       52.0       65.0       3,120      5,525  
Montana ........:    770        860       58.0       53.0      44,660     45,580  
North Dakota ...:    535        825       67.0       67.0      35,845     55,275  
Oregon .........:     30         55       50.0       53.0       1,500      2,915  
Pennsylvania ...:     50         45       71.0       66.0       3,550      2,970  
Utah ...........:     20         18       83.0       75.0       1,660      1,350  
Virginia .......:     28         19       79.0       80.0       2,212      1,520  
Washington .....:    105        105       60.0       57.0       6,300      5,985  
Wyoming ........:     63         65      107.0      103.0       6,741      6,695  
Other States 1/ :    116        118       62.8       60.3       7,280      7,115  
United States ..:  2,443      2,919       72.4       71.3     176,794    208,091  
1/ Other States include Delaware, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, New York, North        
   Carolina, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Individual State estimates will be      
   published in the "Small Grains 2015 Summary."                                  

Winter Wheat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and
Forecasted July 1, 2015
                :  Area harvested   :       Yield per acre       :      Production       
      State     :         :         :        :       2015        :           :           
                :  2014   :  2015   :  2014  :-------------------:   2014    :   2015    
                :         :         :        : June 1  : July 1  :           :           
                :    1,000 acres       ------- bushels -------     --- 1,000 bushels --- 
Arkansas .......:    395       270     63.0     56.0      53.0        24,885      14,310 
California .....:    180       190     80.0     65.0      65.0        14,400      12,350 
Colorado .......:  2,350     2,250     38.0     38.0      39.0        89,300      87,750 
Georgia ........:    230       190     49.0     49.0      46.0        11,270       8,740 
Idaho ..........:    730       720     80.0     84.0      79.0        58,400      56,880 
Illinois .......:    670       560     67.0     66.0      66.0        44,890      36,960 
Indiana ........:    335       305     76.0     74.0      72.0        25,460      21,960 
Kansas .........:  8,800     8,800     28.0     37.0      38.0       246,400     334,400 
Kentucky .......:    510       450     71.0     73.0      72.0        36,210      32,400 
Maryland .......:    250       260     70.0     69.0      64.0        17,500      16,640 
Michigan .......:    485       500     74.0     76.0      76.0        35,890      38,000 
Mississippi ....:    215       145     58.0     53.0      47.0        12,470       6,815 
Missouri .......:    740       710     58.0     60.0      56.0        42,920      39,760 
Montana ........:  2,240     2,300     41.0     44.0      41.0        91,840      94,300 
Nebraska .......:  1,450     1,300     49.0     42.0      42.0        71,050      54,600 
New York .......:     95       118     63.0     60.0      62.0         5,985       7,316 
North Carolina .:    770       630     58.0     54.0      53.0        44,660      33,390 
North Dakota ...:    555       235     49.0     49.0      51.0        27,195      11,985 
Ohio ...........:    545       500     74.0     73.0      70.0        40,330      35,000 
Oklahoma .......:  2,800     3,700     17.0     28.0      26.0        47,600      96,200 
Oregon .........:    740       760     55.0     56.0      51.0        40,700      38,760 
Pennsylvania ...:    150       170     65.0     62.0      63.0         9,750      10,710 
South Carolina .:    220       170     52.0     52.0      50.0        11,440       8,500 
South Dakota ...:  1,080       960     55.0     41.0      41.0        59,400      39,360 
Tennessee ......:    475       410     66.0     71.0      67.0        31,350      27,470 
Texas ..........:  2,250     3,600     30.0     32.0      31.0        67,500     111,600 
Virginia .......:    260       225     68.0     68.0      67.0        17,680      15,075 
Washington .....:  1,640     1,690     52.0     62.0      59.0        85,280      99,710 
Wisconsin ......:    250       230     65.0     71.0      72.0        16,250      16,560 
Other States 1/ :    894       981     55.4     52.6      48.9        49,521      48,015 
United States ..: 32,304    33,329     42.6     44.5      43.7     1,377,526   1,455,516 
1/ Other States include Alabama, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, 
   Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Individual State    
   level estimates will be published in the "Small Grains 2015 Summary."                 

Durum Wheat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2014 and
Forecasted July 1, 2015
                :    Area harvested     :        Yield per acre         :      Production       
      State     :           :           :           :       2015        :           :           
                :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :-------------------:   2014    :   2015    
                :           :           :           : June 1  : July 1  :           :           
                :   -- 1,000 acres --       -------- bushels --------         1,000 bushels     
Arizona ........:      72         139       111.0       95.0     95.0       7,992      13,205   
California .....:      25          65       105.0      102.0     97.0       2,625       6,305   
Montana ........:     430         620        31.0        (X)     27.0      13,330      16,740   
North Dakota ...:     795       1,070        35.5        (X)     36.0      28,223      38,520   
Other States 1/ :      15          14        61.1        (X)     55.0         917         770   
United States ..:   1,337       1,908        39.7        (X)     39.6      53,087      75,540   
(X) Not applicable.                                                                             
1/  Other States include Idaho and South Dakota. Individual State level estimates will be       
    published in the "Small Grains 2015 Summary."                                               

Other Spring Wheat Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and
United States: 2014 and
Forecasted July 1, 2015
                :   Area harvested    :   Yield per acre    :     Production      
      State     :-----------------------------------------------------------------
                :   2014   :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   
                :  -- 1,000 acres --      --- bushels ---        1,000 bushels    
Idaho ..........:     455        550      76.0       70.0      34,580     38,500  
Minnesota ......:   1,180      1,600      55.0       62.0      64,900     99,200  
Montana ........:   2,980      2,750      35.0       32.0     104,300     88,000  
North Dakota ...:   6,140      6,200      47.5       48.0     291,650    297,600  
Oregon .........:      78        117      48.0       47.0       3,744      5,499  
South Dakota ...:   1,280      1,370      56.0       46.0      71,680     63,020  
Washington .....:     610        610      38.0       39.0      23,180     23,790  
Other States 1/ :      17         20      59.1       61.1       1,004      1,222  
United States ..:  12,740     13,217      46.7       46.7     595,038    616,831  
1/ Other States include Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. Individual State level        
   estimates will be published in the "Small Grains 2015 Summary."                

Wheat Production by Class - United States: 2014 and Forecasted July 1, 2015
[Wheat class estimates are based on the latest available data including both surveys and
administrative data. The previous end-of-year season class percentages are used throughout the
forecast season for States that do not have survey or administrative data available]
         Crop        :                2014                :                2015                
                     :                              1,000 bushels                              
Winter               :                                                                         
Hard red ............:               737,937                              866,408              
Soft red ............:               455,297                              393,416              
Hard white ..........:                11,490                               12,742              
Soft white ..........:               172,802                              182,950              
Spring               :                                                                         
Hard red ............:               555,543                              573,253              
Hard white ..........:                 8,943                                9,855              
Soft white ..........:                30,552                               33,723              
Durum ...............:                53,087                               75,540              
Total ............   :             2,025,651                            2,147,887              

Utilized Production of Citrus Fruits by Crop - States and United States: 2013-2014 and
Forecasted July 1, 2015
[The crop year begins with the bloom of the first year shown and ends with the completion of harvest the
following year]
                              :     Utilized production boxes 1/      :  Utilized production ton equivalent   
        Crop and State        :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              :     2013-2014     :     2014-2015     :     2013-2014     :     2014-2015     
                              :      ------- 1,000 boxes -------              ------- 1,000 tons ------       
Oranges                       :                                                                               
Early, mid, and Navel 2/      :                                                                               
  California .................:       38,700              39,500              1,548               1,580       
  Florida ....................:       53,300              47,400              2,399               2,133       
  Texas ......................:        1,400               1,388                 60                  59       
  United States ..............:       93,400              88,288              4,007               3,772       
Valencia                      :                                                                               
  California .................:       10,700               9,500                428                 380       
  Florida ....................:       51,400              49,300              2,313               2,219       
  Texas ......................:          376                 316                 16                  13       
  United States ..............:       62,476              59,116              2,757               2,612       
All                           :                                                                               
  California .................:       49,400              49,000              1,976               1,960       
  Florida ....................:      104,700              96,700              4,712               4,352       
  Texas ......................:        1,776               1,704                 76                  72       
  United States ..............:      155,876             147,404              6,764               6,384       
Grapefruit                    :                                                                               
White                         :                                                                               
  Florida ....................:        4,150               3,250                176                 138       
Colored                       :                                                                               
  Florida ....................:       11,500               9,700                489                 412       
All                           :                                                                               
  California .................:        3,850               3,800                154                 152       
  Florida ....................:       15,650              12,950                665                 550       
  Texas ......................:        5,700               5,600                228                 224       
  United States ..............:       25,200              22,350              1,047                 926       
Tangerines and mandarins      :                                                                               
Arizona 3/ ...................:          200                 220                  8                   9       
California 3/ ................:       14,700              16,000                588                 640       
Florida ......................:        2,900               2,300                138                 109       
United States ................:       17,800              18,520                734                 758       
Lemons                        :                                                                               
Arizona ......................:        1,800               2,000                 72                  80       
California ...................:       18,800              20,000                752                 800       
United States ................:       20,600              22,000                824                 880       
Tangelos                      :                                                                               
Florida ......................:          880                 680                 40                  31       
1/ Net pounds per box: oranges in California-80, Florida-90, Texas-85; grapefruit in California-80,           
   Florida-85, Texas-80; tangerines and mandarins in Arizona and California-80, Florida-95; lemons-80;        
2/ Navel and miscellaneous varieties in California. Early (including Navel) and midseason varieties in Florida
   and Texas. Small quantities of tangerines in Texas and Temples in Florida.                                 
3/ Includes tangelos and tangors.                                                                             

Tobacco Area Harvested, Yield, and Production by Class - States and United States:
2014 and Forecasted July 1, 2015
                            :  Area harvested   :Yield per acre :     Production      
       Class and type       :---------------------------------------------------------
                            :  2014   :  2015   : 2014  : 2015  :   2014   :   2015   
                            : ----- acres -----   --- pounds --   -- 1,000 pounds --  
Class 1, Flue-cured (11-14) :                                                         
Georgia ....................:  15,000    13,000   2,300   2,500    34,500     32,500  
North Carolina .............: 192,000   160,000   2,350   2,150   451,200    344,000  
South Carolina .............:  15,800    14,300   2,100   2,100    33,180     30,030  
Virginia ...................:  22,500    19,500   2,400   2,500    54,000     48,750  
United States ..............: 245,300   206,800   2,335   2,202   572,880    455,280  

Miscellaneous Fruits and Nuts Production by Crop - States and
United States: 2014 and
Forecasted July 1, 2015
                          :                Total production                 
      Crop and State      :-------------------------------------------------
                          :        2014 1/         :          2015          
                          :                      tons                       
Apricots                  :                                                 
California ...............:           55,400                   45,000       
Utah .....................:              228                        8       
Washington ...............:            8,500                    8,000       
United States ............:           64,128                   53,008       
                          :                  1,000 pounds                   
Almonds, shelled basis 2/ :                                                 
California ...............:        1,870,000                1,800,000       
1/ Revised estimates for 2014 will be published on July 17, 2015.           
2/ Utilized production.                                                     

Fall Potato Percent of Acreage Planted by Type of Potato - Selected States and
Total: 2014 and 2015
[Predominant type shown may include small portion of other type(s) constituting less
than 1 percent of State's total. Blue types are reported under red types]
    State    :       Red       :      White      :     Yellow      :     Russet      
             :  2014  :  2015  :  2014  :  2015  :  2014  :  2015  :  2014  :  2015  
             :                                percent                                
Colorado ....:    5        5       11        9       9        9        75       77   
Idaho .......:    3        3        4        4       2        2        91       91   
Maine .......:    3        5       42       36       3        4        52       55   
Michigan ....:    1        1       83       83       1        2        15       14   
Minnesota ...:   19       18       15       19       2        2        64       61   
New York ....:    3        5       95       93       2        2         -        -   
North Dakota :   25       23       29       33       1        2        45       42   
Oregon ......:    3        3       17       17       3        3        77       77   
Pennsylvania :    3        7       89       84       7        8         1        1   
Washington ..:    4        4       11       11       3        3        82       82   
Wisconsin ...:    9        8       36       34       3        3        52       55   
Total .......:    6        6       20       20       3        3        71       71   
-  Represents zero.                                                                  

Fall Potato Area Planted for Certified Seed - Selected States and Total:
2014 and 2015
[Data supplied by State seed certification officials]
             :                      2014 Crop                      :    2015 Crop    
    State    :   Entered for   :                 :     Percent     :   Entered for   
             :  certification  :    Certified    :    certified    :  certification  
             :     --------- acres ---------           percent            acres      
Alaska ......:          32                32             100               (NA)      
California ..:       1,018             1,018             100                820      
Colorado ....:      12,730            10,975              86              8,803      
Idaho .......:      32,893            32,367              98               (NA)      
Maine .......:      10,861            10,861             100             10,500      
Michigan ....:       2,250             2,185              97              2,450      
Minnesota ...:       6,754             5,580              83              5,692      
Montana .....:      10,194            10,194             100             10,210      
Nebraska ....:       6,127             6,016              98              5,870      
New York ....:         617               617             100                647      
North Dakota :      18,465            16,104              87             19,195      
Oregon ......:       2,736             2,623              96               (NA)      
Pennsylvania :         367               367             100                398      
Washington ..:       3,215             3,215             100              3,231      
Wisconsin ...:       8,675             8,643             100              8,932      
Total .......:     116,934           110,797              95                (X)      
(NA) Not available.                                                                  
(X)  Not applicable.                                                                 

Dry Edible Pea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States:
2014 and 2015
[Excludes both wrinkled seed peas and Austrian winter peas]
              :          Area planted           :         Area harvested          
     State    :-------------------------------------------------------------------
              :      2014      :      2015      :      2014      :      2015      
              :                            1,000 acres                            
Idaho ........:      46.0             48.0             44.0             47.0      
Montana ......:     525.0            545.0            504.0            505.0      
North Dakota .:     265.0            275.0            255.0            265.0      
Oregon .......:       9.0              7.0              8.5              6.0      
Washington ...:      90.0            105.0             88.0            104.0      
United States :     935.0            980.0            899.5            927.0      

Lentil Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States: 2014 and 2015
              :          Area planted           :         Area harvested          
     State    :-------------------------------------------------------------------
              :      2014      :      2015      :      2014      :      2015      
              :                            1,000 acres                            
Idaho ........:      25.0             35.0             24.0             34.0      
Montana ......:     130.0            230.0            119.0            220.0      
North Dakota .:      75.0            160.0             66.0            155.0      
Washington ...:      51.0             60.0             50.0             59.0      
United States :     281.0            485.0            259.0            468.0      

Austrian Winter Pea Area Planted and Harvested - States and United States:
2014 and 2015
              :          Area planted           :         Area harvested          
     State    :-------------------------------------------------------------------
              :      2014      :      2015      :      2014      :      2015      
              :                            1,000 acres                            
Idaho ........:       9.0             13.0              7.5             11.0      
Montana ......:      12.0             10.0              7.0              6.0      
Oregon .......:       3.0              5.0              2.3              4.0      
United States :      24.0             28.0             16.8             21.0      

Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units -
United States: 2014 and 2015
[Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from
previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2015 crop year. Blank data
cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                        :     Area planted      :    Area harvested     
                  Crop                  :-----------------------------------------------
                                        :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                                        :                  1,000 acres                  
Grains and hay                          :                                               
Barley .................................:    2,975       3,413       2,443       2,919  
Corn for grain 1/ ......................:   90,597      88,897      83,136      81,101  
Corn for silage ........................:     (NA)                   6,371              
Hay, all ...............................:     (NA)        (NA)      57,092      56,539  
  Alfalfa ..............................:     (NA)        (NA)      18,445      18,337  
  All other ............................:     (NA)        (NA)      38,647      38,202  
Oats ...................................:    2,723       3,064       1,029       1,220  
Proso millet ...........................:      505         455         430              
Rice ...................................:    2,939       2,767       2,919       2,744  
Rye ....................................:    1,434       1,465         258         314  
Sorghum for grain 1/ ...................:    7,138       8,840       6,401       7,773  
Sorghum for silage .....................:     (NA)                     315              
Wheat, all .............................:   56,822      56,079      46,381      48,454  
  Winter ...............................:   42,399      40,620      32,304      33,329  
  Durum ................................:    1,398       1,954       1,337       1,908  
  Other spring .........................:   13,025      13,505      12,740      13,217  
Oilseeds                                :                                               
Canola .................................:  1,714.0     1,572.0     1,555.7     1,524.2  
Cottonseed .............................:      (X)         (X)         (X)              
Flaxseed ...............................:      311         420         302         409  
Mustard seed ...........................:     33.6        50.5        31.2        48.1  
Peanuts ................................:  1,354.0     1,600.0     1,325.0     1,565.0  
Rapeseed ...............................:      2.2         1.8         2.1         1.7  
Safflower ..............................:    181.5       147.0       170.2       142.3  
Soybeans for beans .....................:   83,701      85,139      83,061      84,449  
Sunflower ..............................:  1,560.8     1,682.0     1,507.6     1,611.2  
Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops        :                                               
Cotton, all ............................: 11,037.4     8,998.0     9,346.8              
  Upland ...............................: 10,845.0     8,850.0     9,157.0              
  American Pima ........................:    192.4       148.0       189.8              
Sugarbeets .............................:  1,163.4     1,164.4     1,146.7     1,140.0  
Sugarcane ..............................:     (NA)        (NA)       870.3       892.7  
Tobacco ................................:     (NA)        (NA)       378.4       321.0  
Dry beans, peas, and lentils            :                                               
Austrian winter peas ...................:     24.0        28.0        16.8        21.0  
Dry edible beans .......................:  1,718.9     1,708.9     1,665.7     1,656.8  
Dry edible peas ........................:    935.0       980.0       899.5       927.0  
Lentils ................................:    281.0       485.0       259.0       468.0  
Wrinkled seed peas .....................:     (NA)                    (NA)              
Potatoes and miscellaneous              :                                               
Coffee (Hawaii) ........................:     (NA)                     7.9              
Hops ...................................:     (NA)        (NA)        38.0        44.0  
Peppermint oil .........................:     (NA)                    63.1              
Potatoes, all ..........................:  1,061.1     1,071.6     1,049.5     1,060.4  
  Spring ...............................:     73.8        67.0        71.1        66.0  
  Summer ...............................:     50.4        49.3        48.9        48.4  
  Fall .................................:    936.9       955.3       929.5       946.0  
Spearmint oil ..........................:     (NA)                    24.4              
Sweet potatoes .........................:    137.3       138.7       135.2       136.3  
Taro (Hawaii) 2/ .......................:     (NA)                     0.4              
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                             --continued

Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Domestic Units -
United States: 2014 and 2015 (continued)
[Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from
previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2015 crop year. Blank data
cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                        :   Yield per acre    :       Production       
                  Crop                  :----------------------------------------------
                                        :   2014   :   2015   :    2014     :   2015   
                                        :                       -------- 1,000 ------- 
Grains and hay                          :                                              
Barley ..........................bushels:   72.4       71.3        176,794     208,091 
Corn for grain ..................bushels:  171.0                14,215,532             
Corn for silage ....................tons:   20.1                   128,048             
Hay, all ...........................tons:   2.45                   139,798             
  Alfalfa ..........................tons:   3.33                    61,446             
  All other ........................tons:   2.03                    78,352             
Oats ............................bushels:   67.7       68.6         69,684      83,640 
Proso millet ....................bushels:   31.4                    13,483             
Rice 3/ .............................cwt:  7,572                   221,035             
Rye .............................bushels:   27.9                     7,189             
Sorghum for grain ...............bushels:   67.6                   432,575             
Sorghum for silage .................tons:   13.1                     4,123             
Wheat, all ......................bushels:   43.7       44.3      2,025,651   2,147,887 
  Winter ........................bushels:   42.6       43.7      1,377,526   1,455,516 
  Durum .........................bushels:   39.7       39.6         53,087      75,540 
  Other spring ..................bushels:   46.7       46.7        595,038     616,831 
Oilseeds                                :                                              
Canola ...........................pounds:  1,614                 2,510,995             
Cottonseed .........................tons:    (X)                   5,125.0             
Flaxseed ........................bushels:   21.1                     6,368             
Mustard seed .....................pounds:    930                    29,004             
Peanuts ..........................pounds:  3,932                 5,210,100             
Rapeseed .........................pounds:  1,233                     2,590             
Safflower ........................pounds:  1,226                   208,643             
Soybeans for beans ..............bushels:   47.8                 3,968,823             
Sunflower ........................pounds:  1,469                 2,214,835             
Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops        :                                              
Cotton, all 3/ ....................bales:    838                  16,319.4             
  Upland 3/ .......................bales:    826                  15,753.0             
  American Pima 3/ ................bales:  1,432                     566.4             
Sugarbeets .........................tons:   27.4                    31,365             
Sugarcane ..........................tons:   35.0                    30,424             
Tobacco ..........................pounds:  2,316                   876,415             
Dry beans, peas, and lentils            :                                              
Austrian winter peas 3/ .............cwt:  1,339                       225             
Dry edible beans 3/ .................cwt:  1,753                    29,206             
Dry edible peas 3/ ..................cwt:  1,907                    17,155             
Lentils 3/ ..........................cwt:  1,300                     3,367             
Wrinkled seed peas ..................cwt:   (NA)                       618             
Potatoes and miscellaneous              :                                              
Coffee (Hawaii) ..................pounds:  1,030                     8,100             
Hops .............................pounds:  1,868                  70,995.9             
Peppermint oil ...................pounds:     90                     5,692             
Potatoes, all .......................cwt:    426                   446,693             
  Spring ............................cwt:    318        304         22,608      20,068 
  Summer ............................cwt:    322                    15,756             
  Fall ..............................cwt:    439                   408,329             
Spearmint oil ....................pounds:    114                     2,784             
Sweet potatoes ......................cwt:    219                    29,584             
Taro (Hawaii) ....................pounds:   (NA)                     3,240             
(NA) Not available.                                                                    
(X)  Not applicable.                                                                   
1/   Area planted for all purposes.                                                    
2/   Area is total acres in crop, not harvested acres.                                 
3/   Yield in pounds.                                                                  

Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Metric Units -
United States: 2014 and 2015
[Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or
from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2015 crop year.
Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                :     Area planted      :    Area harvested     
              Crop              :-----------------------------------------------
                                :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                                :                   hectares                    
Grains and hay                  :                                               
Barley .........................: 1,203,950   1,381,210     988,660   1,181,290 
Corn for grain 1/ ..............:36,663,700  35,975,730  33,644,310  32,820,760 
Corn for silage ................:      (NA)               2,578,280             
Hay, all 2/ ....................:      (NA)        (NA)  23,104,560  22,880,770 
  Alfalfa ......................:      (NA)        (NA)   7,464,510   7,420,800 
  All other ....................:      (NA)        (NA)  15,640,050  15,459,970 
Oats ...........................: 1,101,970   1,239,970     416,430     493,720 
Proso millet ...................:   204,370     184,130     174,020             
Rice ...........................: 1,189,380   1,119,780   1,181,290   1,110,470 
Rye ............................:   580,330     592,870     104,410     127,070 
Sorghum for grain 1/ ...........: 2,888,680   3,577,460   2,590,420   3,145,660 
Sorghum for silage .............:      (NA)                 127,480             
Wheat, all 2/ ..................:22,995,300  22,694,610  18,769,930  19,608,850 
  Winter .......................:17,158,450  16,438,510  13,073,110  13,487,910 
  Durum ........................:   565,760     790,760     541,070     772,150 
  Other spring .................: 5,271,090   5,465,340   5,155,750   5,348,790 
Oilseeds                        :                                               
Canola .........................:   693,640     636,170     629,580     616,830 
Cottonseed .....................:       (X)         (X)         (X)             
Flaxseed .......................:   125,860     169,970     122,220     165,520 
Mustard seed ...................:    13,600      20,440      12,630      19,470 
Peanuts ........................:   547,950     647,500     536,210     633,340 
Rapeseed .......................:       890         730         850         690 
Safflower ......................:    73,450      59,490      68,880      57,590 
Soybeans for beans .............:33,872,960  34,454,900  33,613,960  34,175,670 
Sunflower ......................:   631,640     680,690     610,110     652,040 
Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops:                                               
Cotton, all 2/ .................: 4,466,730   3,641,400   3,782,560             
  Upland .......................: 4,388,860   3,581,510   3,705,750             
  American Pima ................:    77,860      59,890      76,810             
Sugarbeets .....................:   470,820     471,220     464,060     461,350 
Sugarcane ......................:      (NA)        (NA)     352,200     361,270 
Tobacco ........................:      (NA)        (NA)     153,120     129,890 
Dry beans, peas, and lentils    :                                               
Austrian winter peas ...........:     9,710      11,330       6,800       8,500 
Dry edible beans ...............:   695,620     691,570     674,090     670,490 
Dry edible peas ................:   378,390     396,600     364,020     375,150 
Lentils ........................:   113,720     196,270     104,810     189,390 
Wrinkled seed peas .............:      (NA)                    (NA)             
Potatoes and miscellaneous      :                                               
Coffee (Hawaii) ................:      (NA)                   3,200             
Hops ...........................:      (NA)        (NA)      15,380      17,800 
Peppermint oil .................:      (NA)                  25,540             
Potatoes, all 2/ ...............:   429,420     433,670     424,720     429,130 
  Spring .......................:    29,870      27,110      28,770      26,710 
  Summer .......................:    20,400      19,950      19,790      19,590 
  Fall .........................:   379,150     386,600     376,160     382,840 
Spearmint oil ..................:      (NA)                   9,870             
Sweet potatoes .................:    55,560      56,130      54,710      55,160 
Taro (Hawaii) 3/ ...............:      (NA)                     150             
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                     --continued

Crop Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, and Production in Metric Units - United States:
2014 and 2015 (continued)
[Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or from
previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2015 crop year. Blank data
cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                                        :   Yield per hectare   :      Production       
                  Crop                  :-----------------------------------------------
                                        :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                                        :                  metric tons                  
Grains and hay                          :                                               
Barley .................................:    3.89        3.84      3,849,230  4,530,650 
Corn for grain .........................:   10.73                361,091,140            
Corn for silage ........................:   45.05                116,163,190            
Hay, all 2/ ............................:    5.49                126,822,610            
  Alfalfa ..............................:    7.47                 55,742,870            
  All other ............................:    4.54                 71,079,740            
Oats ...................................:    2.43        2.46      1,011,460  1,214,030 
Proso millet ...........................:    1.76                    305,790            
Rice ...................................:    8.49                 10,025,980            
Rye ....................................:    1.75                    182,610            
Sorghum for grain ......................:    4.24                 10,987,910            
Sorghum for silage .....................:   29.34                  3,740,320            
Wheat, all 2/ ..........................:    2.94        2.98     55,129,190 58,455,900 
  Winter ...............................:    2.87        2.94     37,490,110 39,612,650 
  Durum ................................:    2.67        2.66      1,444,790  2,055,860 
  Other spring .........................:    3.14        3.14     16,194,280 16,787,390 
Oilseeds                                :                                               
Canola .................................:    1.81                  1,138,970            
Cottonseed .............................:     (X)                  4,649,320            
Flaxseed ...............................:    1.32                    161,750            
Mustard seed ...........................:    1.04                     13,160            
Peanuts ................................:    4.41                  2,363,260            
Rapeseed ...............................:    1.38                      1,170            
Safflower ..............................:    1.37                     94,640            
Soybeans for beans .....................:    3.21                108,013,660            
Sunflower ..............................:    1.65                  1,004,630            
Cotton, tobacco, and sugar crops        :                                               
Cotton, all 2/ .........................:    0.94                  3,553,130            
  Upland ...............................:    0.93                  3,429,810            
  American Pima ........................:    1.61                    123,320            
Sugarbeets .............................:   61.32                 28,453,850            
Sugarcane ..............................:   78.36                 27,600,190            
Tobacco ................................:    2.60                    397,540            
Dry beans, peas, and lentils            :                                               
Austrian winter peas ...................:    1.50                     10,180            
Dry edible beans .......................:    1.97                  1,324,760            
Dry edible peas ........................:    2.14                    778,140            
Lentils ................................:    1.46                    152,720            
Wrinkled seed peas .....................:    (NA)                     28,030            
Potatoes and miscellaneous              :                                               
Coffee (Hawaii) ........................:    1.15                      3,670            
Hops ...................................:    2.09                     32,200            
Peppermint oil .........................:    0.10                      2,580            
Potatoes, all 2/ .......................:   47.71                 20,261,650            
  Spring ...............................:   35.64       34.08      1,025,480    910,270 
  Summer ...............................:   36.11                    714,680            
  Fall .................................:   49.24                 18,521,490            
Spearmint oil ..........................:    0.13                      1,260            
Sweet potatoes .........................:   24.53                  1,341,910            
Taro (Hawaii) ..........................:    (NA)                      1,470            
(NA) Not available.                                                                     
(X)  Not applicable.                                                                    
1/   Area planted for all purposes.                                                     
2/   Total may not add due to rounding.                                                 
3/   Area is total hectares in crop, not harvested hectares.                            

Fruits and Nuts Production in Domestic Units - United States: 2014 and 2015
[Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or
from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2015 crop year,
except citrus which is for the 2014-2015 season. Blank data cells indicate
estimation period has not yet begun]
                                           :            Production             
                    Crop                   :-----------------------------------
                                           :      2014       :      2015       
                                           :               1,000               
Citrus 1/                                  :                                   
Grapefruit ............................tons:        1,047               926    
Lemons ................................tons:          824               880    
Oranges ...............................tons:        6,764             6,384    
Tangelos (Florida) ....................tons:           40                31    
Tangerines and mandarins ..............tons:          734               758    
Noncitrus                                  :                                   
Apples ....................... 1,000 pounds:     11,251.2                      
Apricots ..............................tons:         64.1              53.0    
Bananas (Hawaii) ....................pounds:                                   
Grapes ................................tons:      7,769.6                      
Olives (California) ...................tons:         82.3                      
Papayas (Hawaii) ....................pounds:                                   
Peaches ...............................tons:        846.6                      
Pears .................................tons:        808.2                      
Prunes, dried (California) ............tons:        104.0             100.0    
Prunes and plums (excludes California) tons:         14.8                      
Nuts and miscellaneous                     :                                   
Almonds, shelled (California) .......pounds:    1,870,000         1,800,000    
Hazelnuts, in-shell (Oregon) ..........tons:         36.0                      
Pecans, in-shell ....................pounds:      265,370                      
Walnuts, in-shell (California) ........tons:          565                      
Maple syrup ........................gallons:        3,211             3,414    
1/ Production years are 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.                               

Fruits and Nuts Production in Metric Units - United States: 2014 and 2015
[Data are the latest estimates available, either from the current report or
from previous reports. Current year estimates are for the full 2015 crop year,
except citrus which is for the 2014-2015 season. Blank data cells indicate
estimation period has not yet begun]
                                           :            Production             
                    Crop                   :-----------------------------------
                                           :      2014       :      2015       
                                           :            metric tons            
Citrus 1/                                  :                                   
Grapefruit ................................:      949,820           840,050    
Lemons ....................................:      747,520           798,320    
Oranges ...................................:    6,136,200         5,791,470    
Tangelos (Florida) ........................:       36,290            28,120    
Tangerines and mandarins ..................:      665,870           687,650    
Noncitrus                                  :                                   
Apples ....................................:    5,103,460                      
Apricots ..................................:       58,150            48,090    
Bananas (Hawaii) ..........................:                                   
Grapes ....................................:    7,048,490                      
Olives (California) .......................:       74,660                      
Papayas (Hawaii) ..........................:                                   
Peaches ...................................:      768,040                      
Pears .....................................:      733,200                      
Prunes, dried (California) ................:       94,350            90,720    
Prunes and plums (excludes California) ....:       13,430                      
Nuts and miscellaneous                     :                                   
Almonds, shelled (California) .............:      848,220           816,470    
Hazelnuts, in-shell (Oregon) ..............:       32,660                      
Pecans, in-shell ..........................:      120,370                      
Walnuts, in-shell (California) ............:      512,560                      
Maple syrup ...............................:       16,050            17,070    
1/ Production years are 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.                               

Winter Wheat for Grain Objective Yield Data

The National Agricultural Statistics Service is conducting objective yield 
surveys in 10 winter wheat-producing States during 2015. Randomly selected 
plots in winter wheat for grain fields are visited monthly from May through 
harvest to obtain specific counts and measurements. Data in these tables are 
based on counts from this survey.

Winter Wheat Objective Yield Percent of Samples Processed in the Lab -
United States: 2011-2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
               :       June        :       July        :      August       
      Year     :-----------------------------------------------------------
               :     Mature 1/     :     Mature 1/     :     Mature 1/     
               :                          percent                          
2011 ..........:        24                  60                  86         
2012 ..........:        57                  77                  92         
2013 ..........:        12                  55                  92         
2014 ..........:        15                  58                  92         
2015 ..........:        16                  64                             
1/ Includes winter wheat in the hard dough stage or beyond and are         
   considered mature or almost mature.                                     

Winter Wheat Heads per Square Foot - Selected States: 2011-2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
        State        :   2011    :    2012    :    2013    :   2014    :  2015 1/  
                     :                           number                            
Colorado             :                                                             
July ................:   45.3         41.0         32.1        42.4        51.1    
August ..............:   45.0         41.0         31.9        43.2                
Final ...............:   45.0         41.0         31.9        43.4                
Illinois             :                                                             
July ................:   60.0         56.5         60.9        63.5        56.7    
August ..............:   60.1         56.5         61.2        63.7                
Final ...............:   60.1         56.5         61.2        63.7                
Kansas               :                                                             
July ................:   42.2         46.5         50.4        36.4        43.1    
August ..............:   42.2         46.7         50.4        36.4                
Final ...............:   42.2         46.7         50.4        36.4                
Missouri             :                                                             
July ................:   50.7         49.9         54.6        51.2        52.5    
August ..............:   48.9         49.9         55.8        50.9                
Final ...............:   48.9         49.9         55.8        50.9                
Montana              :                                                             
July ................:   44.3         44.1         43.7        43.4        48.9    
August ..............:   46.7         44.7         45.1        44.2                
Final ...............:   46.9         45.0         45.1        44.2                
Nebraska             :                                                             
July ................:   54.3         50.7         38.5        48.2        47.9    
August ..............:   54.6         50.7         38.8        48.2                
Final ...............:   54.6         50.7         38.8        48.2                
Ohio                 :                                                             
July ................:   56.1         58.3         53.0        58.8        51.0    
August ..............:   56.2         58.3         54.0        58.4                
Final ...............:   56.2         58.3         54.0        58.4                
Oklahoma             :                                                             
July ................:   37.7         47.7         51.7        34.9        39.6    
August ..............:   37.7         47.7         51.7        34.9                
Final ...............:   37.7         47.7         51.7        34.9                
Texas                :                                                             
July ................:   32.7         34.3         33.3        32.8        34.3    
August ..............:   32.8         34.3         33.3        32.8                
Final ...............:   32.9         34.3         33.0        33.1                
Washington           :                                                             
July ................:   41.3         37.3         38.0        32.3        31.3    
August ..............:   41.5         36.6         38.6        32.1                
Final ...............:   41.4         36.9         38.6        32.3                
1/ Final head counts will be published in the "Small Grains 2015 Summary."         

June Weather Summary

Heavy rain shifted into the lower Midwest during June, disrupting the soft 
red winter wheat harvest and causing condition declines for corn and 
soybeans. The axis of heaviest precipitation stretched from Missouri to Ohio, 
leaving topsoil moisture roughly half surplus by July 5 in Ohio (51 percent), 
Indiana (50 percent), Missouri (48 percent), and Illinois (47 percent). On 
the same date, corn was rated 45 percent good to excellent in Ohio and 
48 percent in Indiana, down from 80 and 73 percent, respectively, on June 14. 
For Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, it was the wettest June during the 121-year 
period of record. The June wetness also extended eastward into parts of the 
Mid-Atlantic region.

Meanwhile, heavy rain abated across the central and southern Plains, allowing 
the previously delayed hard red winter wheat harvest to advance and favoring 
late-season planting efforts. Across the remainder of the Nation's 
mid-section, including the northern Plains and upper Midwest, conditions 
remained mostly favorable for winter wheat maturation and summer crop 
development. However, hot, dry conditions developed on Montana's High Plains, 
hastening winter wheat maturation but stressing spring-sown small grains.

Hot, dry conditions were even more persistent and intense in the Northwest, 
where Statewide temperatures were the highest on record for June in Idaho, 
Oregon, and Washington. Monthly temperatures averaged at least 5 to 10°F 
above normal across the interior Northwest, increasing stress on rangeland, 
pastures, and rain-fed summer crops. By July 5, topsoil moisture was rated 
73 percent very short to short in Oregon. In Washington, where topsoil 
moisture was 59 percent very short to short, more than one-fifth (21 percent) 
of the spring wheat was rated very poor to poor by July 5.

Across the remainder of the West, occasional showers provided local drought 
relief. Some of the most significant rain, relative to normal, fell in the 
Four Corners States, where the monsoon arrived a few days early in late June. 
In California, however, isolated showers provided inconsequential relief from 
the 4-year drought. In addition, the return of hot weather in California-
which experienced its hottest June on record-boosted irrigation demands.

Elsewhere, cooler weather and scattered showers developed in the Southeast 
toward month's end, following an extended period of hot, mostly dry weather. 
The Southeastern heat wave reduced topsoil moisture and stressed reproductive 
summer crops, such as corn, which by July 5 was rated 32 percent very poor to 
poor in the minor production State of South Carolina.

June Agricultural Summary

Areas of the central and eastern Corn Belt recorded more than 200 percent of 
normal precipitation during the month of June causing delays in spring 
fieldwork and deterioration of crop ratings. Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio 
recorded the wettest June on record dating back to 1895. Dry conditions 
continued to stress the Pacific coast with major regions of California, 
Oregon, and Washington recording under one-tenth of an inch of rainfall 
during the month. Average monthly temperatures were generally above normal 
across the Nation with areas in the Pacific Northwest more than 10°F above 
normal in June. Major exceptions to this trend occurred in southern Texas, 
the Great Lakes region, and New England where areas were between 0 and 4°F 
below normal for the month.

Planting of the 2015 corn crop was 95 percent complete by May 31, slightly 
ahead of both last year and the 5-year average. Eighty-four percent of this 
year's corn crop had emerged by May 31, seven percentage points ahead of last 
year and 5 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. By June 14, corn 
emerged had advanced to 97 percent complete, slightly ahead of last year and 
2 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. More than 90 percent of the 
crop was emerged in all estimating States except Colorado, Kansas, and 
Missouri by June 14. By June 28, silking was estimated at 4 percent complete, 
equal to last year but 4 percentage points behind the 5-year average. All 
estimating States except Michigan observed silking progress at or behind the 
5-year average at the end of the month. Overall, 68 percent of the corn crop 
was reported in good to excellent condition on June 28, down 6 percentage 
points from May 31 and 7 percentage points below the same time last year. Wet 
conditions in the eastern Corn Belt led to deterioration of corn condition 
ratings, which dropped 45 percentage points in the good to excellent 
categories in Ohio and 28 percentage points in Indiana during the month of 

Producers had planted 43 percent of this year's sorghum crop by May 31, 
twelve percentage points behind both last year and the 5-year average. 
Producers had planted 56 percent of this year's sorghum crop by June 7, 
nine percentage points behind last year and 12 percentage points behind the 
5-year average. Planting progress was more than 20 percentage points behind 
the 5-year average in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota after the 
first week of the month. Producers had planted 85 percent of this year's 
sorghum crop by June 21, slightly behind last year and 4 percentage points 
behind the 5-year average. Heading advanced to 18 percent complete by 
June 21, slightly behind last year and 3 percentage points behind the 5-year 
average. By June 28, ninety-three percent of the Nation's sorghum was 
planted, slightly ahead of last year but 2 percentage points behind the 
5-year average. By June 28, twenty-one percent of the sorghum crop was at or 
beyond the heading stage, equal to last year but 2 percentage points behind 
the 5-year average. Major heading progress was limited to Arkansas, 
Louisiana, and Texas, but small percentages of heading were reported in the 
more northern States of Illinois, Missouri, and Oklahoma by the end of June. 
Overall, 68 percent of the sorghum was reported in good to excellent 
condition on June 28, up slightly from the first National sorghum crop rating 
on June 14 and 9 percentage points better than the same time last year.

Ninety-five percent of the oat crop was emerged by May 31, eleven percentage 
points ahead of last year and 7 percentage points ahead of the 5-year 
average. By May 31, thirty percent of the oat crop was at or beyond the 
heading stage, 2 percentage points behind last year and 3 percentage points 
behind the 5-year average. By June 14, fifty-one percent of the oat crop was 
at or beyond the heading stage, 7 percentage points ahead of last year and 
2 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Heading of this year's oat 
crop advanced to 83 percent complete by June 28, sixteen percentage points 
ahead of last year and 12 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. 
Heading was at or ahead of the 5-year average in all estimating States except 
Pennsylvania by month's end. Overall, 67 percent of the oats were reported in 
good to excellent condition, down slightly from May 31 but 3 percentage 
points better than the same time last year.

Ninety-five percent of the barley crop was emerged by May 31, 
twenty-two percentage points ahead of last year and 25 percentage points 
ahead of the 5-year average. Nationally, 38 percent of this year's barley 
crop was headed by June 21, twenty-two percentage points ahead of last year 
and 24 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Heading of the Nation's 
barley crop advanced to 62 percent complete by June 28, 
thirty-three percentage points ahead of last year and 36 percentage points 
ahead of the 5-year average. Overall, 73 percent of the barley was reported 
in good to excellent condition on June 28, down slightly from the beginning 
of the month but 5 percentage points better than the same time last year. 
Hot, dry conditions in Montana and Washington dried out soils and lowered 
barley condition ratings in June.

Heading of this year's winter wheat crop advanced to 84 percent complete by 
May 31, six percentage points ahead of last year and 7 percentage points 
ahead of the 5-year average. By June 14, ninety-six percent of the winter 
wheat crop was at or beyond the heading stage, 5 percentage points ahead of 
last year and 7 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Harvest 
progress, at 11 percent complete, was 4 percentage points behind last year 
and 9 percentage points behind the 5-year average by June 14. At least 
20 percent of the winter wheat crop was harvested during the second week of 
June in Arkansas, California, Oklahoma, and Texas. By June 28, producers had 
harvested 38 percent of the winter wheat crop, 4 percentage points behind 
last year and 8 percentage points behind the 5-year average. Drier conditions 
in the central and southern United States spurred harvest progress, allowing 
producers in Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, North Carolina, and Oklahoma to 
harvest at least 25 percent of their winter wheat during the final week of 
the month. Overall, 41 percent of the winter wheat was reported in good to 
excellent condition on June 28, compared to 44 percent on May 31 and 
30 percent at the same time last year.

The Nation's spring wheat crop was 91 percent emerged by May 31, 
twenty-seven percentage points ahead of last year and 22 percentage points 
ahead of the 5-year average. Emergence was over 20 percentage points ahead of 
the 5-year average in Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota at the beginning 
of the month. By June 21, twenty-three percent of the spring wheat was at or 
beyond the heading stage, 14 percentage points ahead of last year and 
8 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Hot weather in the Pacific 
Northwest accelerated heading progress, which by June 21 was 20 percentage 
points ahead of the 5-year average in Idaho and 24 percentage points ahead in 
Washington. By June 28, forty-nine percent of the spring wheat crop was at or 
beyond the heading stage, 25 percentage points ahead of last year and 
20 percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. Half of the spring wheat 
acreage in Minnesota moved into the heading stage during the final week of 
the month to reach 76 percent headed by June 28. Overall, 72 percent of the 
spring wheat crop was reported in good to excellent condition by month's end, 
up slightly from the beginning of the month and 2 percentage points better 
than the same time last year.

Planting of the 2015 rice crop was 96 percent complete by May 31, 
three percentage points behind last year and 2 percentage points behind the 
5-year average. Ninety percent of the rice crop was emerged by May 31, 
two percentage points ahead of last year and 3 percentage points ahead of the 
5-year average. Six percent of the rice crop was at or beyond the heading 
stage by June 21, three percentage points ahead of last year and slightly 
ahead of the 5-year average. Heading progress was most advanced in Louisiana 
at 22 percent complete on June 21, slightly ahead of the 5-year average. By 
June 28, sixteen percent of the rice crop was at or beyond the heading stage, 
8 percentage points ahead of last year and 7 percentage points ahead of the 
5-year average. Warmer weather aided rice progress with heading advancing 
29 percentage points during the final week of the month in Louisiana and 
24 percentage points in Texas. Overall, 68 percent of the rice crop was 
reported in good to excellent condition on June 28, unchanged from May 31 and 
slightly below the same time last year.

By May 31, seventy-one percent of the Nation's soybean crop was planted, 
4 percentage points behind last year but slightly ahead of the 5-year 
average. Wet conditions had slowed the planting pace in the central United 
States, with planting progress on May 31 forty-two percentage points behind 
the 5-year average in Kansas and 34 percentage points behind in Missouri. 
Planting progress advanced to 87 percent complete by June 14, four percentage 
points behind last year and 3 percentage points behind the 5-year average. 
Nationally, 75 percent of the soybean crop was emerged by June 14, 
six percentage points behind last year and 2 percentage points behind the 
5-year average. Kansas soybean emergence was 40 percentage points, or about 
17 days, behind the 5-year average by June 14. Ninety-four percent of the 
Nation's soybean crop was planted by June 28, slightly behind last year and 
3 percentage points behind the 5-year average. Missouri continued to lag the 
rest of the Nation in planting progress. By June 28, Missouri producers had 
planted 62 percent of their intended soybean crop, 32 percentage points 
behind the 5-year average. Nationally, 89 percent of the soybean crop was 
emerged by June 28, four percentage points behind last year and 5 percentage 
points behind the 5-year average. By month's end, eight percent of the 
soybean crop was blooming, slightly behind both last year and the 5-year 
average. Overall, 63 percent of the soybeans were reported in good to 
excellent condition on June 28, down 6 percentage points from June 7 and 
9 percentage points below the same time last year.

By May 31, producers had planted 83 percent of this year's peanut crop, 
slightly ahead of last year but equal to the 5-year average. Peanut planting 
advanced to 92 percent complete by June 7, equal to last year but slightly 
ahead of the 5-year average. Sixteen percent of this year's peanut crop was 
pegging by June 21, slightly ahead of last year and 4 percentage points ahead 
of the 5-year average. Thirty-two percent of the peanut crop was pegging by 
June 28, seven percentage points ahead of last year and 8 percentage points 
ahead of the 5-year average. Overall, 71 percent of the peanut crop was 
reported in good to excellent condition by month's end, compared to 
70 percent on June 7 and 72 percent at the same time last year.

By the end of May, sunflower producers had planted 32 percent of this year's 
crop, 8 percentage points ahead of last year and 3 percentage points ahead of 
the 5-year average. By June 7, sunflower producers had planted 49 percent of 
this year's crop, slightly ahead of last year and 2 percentage points ahead 
of the 5-year average. Sunflower planting progress was rapid in North Dakota 
during the first week of the month, advancing 21 percentage points to 
76 percent complete. Sunflower producers had planted 80 percent of this 
year's crop by June 21, slightly behind both last year and the 5-year 
average. Seeding was nearly complete in North Dakota, with 97 percent of the 
crop planted by June 21. By June 28, eighty-nine percent of the sunflower 
crop was planted, slightly behind last year and 2 percentage points behind 
the 5-year average.

By May 31, sixty-one percent of the cotton crop was planted, 11 percentage 
points behind last year and 17 percentage points behind the 5-year average. 
Wet conditions in the southern Great Plains had hindered planting progress. 
At the beginning of June, Kansas cotton planting was 44 percentage points, or 
nearly 3 weeks, behind the 5-year average pace. Oklahoma and Texas were 21 
and 24 percentage points, respectively, behind the 5-year State averages. 
Nationally, 3 percent of the cotton crop was squaring on May 31, 
two percentage points behind last year and 3 percentage points behind the 
5-year average. By June 14, ninety-one percent of the Nation's cotton was 
planted, 3 percentage points behind last year and 5 percentage points behind 
the 5-year average. Cotton squaring advanced to 13 percent complete by 
June 14, equal to last year but 3 percentage points behind the 5-year 
average. Squaring progress remained behind historical trends in the middle 
Mississippi Valley, 26 percentage points behind the 5-year average in 
Arkansas and 16 percentage points behind in Missouri. Ninety-eight percent of 
the cotton crop was planted by June 28, two percentage points behind both 
last year and the 5-year average. Nationally, 35 percent of the cotton crop 
was squaring by June 28, slightly ahead of last year but 5 percentage points 
behind the 5-year average. Late planting continued to affect squaring 
progress at the end of June in Missouri and Oklahoma, which were 26 and 
21 percentage points behind their respective 5-year averages. Nationally, 
5 percent of this year's cotton crop was setting bolls by June 28, slightly 
behind last year and 3 percentage points behind the 5-year average. Overall, 
56 percent of the cotton was reported in good to excellent condition on 
June 28, compared to 50 percent on June 7 and 53 percent at the same time 
last year.

Crop Comments

Oats: Production is forecast at 83.6 million bushels, up 20 percent from 
2014. Growers expect to harvest 1.22 million acres for grain or seed, 
unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 30, 2015, but up 
19 percent from last year. Based on conditions as of July 1, the average 
yield for the United States is forecast at 68.6 bushels per acre, up 
0.9 bushel from 2014. If realized, this will be a new record high 
United States yield, 0.7 bushel higher than the previous record high in 2009. 

The 2015 oat crop has developed ahead of the normal pace in most of the 
nine major producing States due to favorable weather conditions. As of 
June 28, eighty-three percent of the oat acreage was headed, 16 percentage 
points ahead of last year's pace and 12 percentage points ahead of the 5-year 
average. As of June 28, sixty-seven percent of the crop was rated in good to 
excellent condition, compared with 64 percent at the same time last year. 

Barley: Production is forecast at 208 million bushels, up 18 percent from 
2014. Based on conditions as of July 1, the average yield for the 
United States is forecast at 71.3 bushels per acre, down 1.1 bushels from 
last year. Area harvested for grain or seed, at 2.92 million acres, is 
unchanged from the previous forecast but up 19 percent from 2014.

When compared with last year, yields are expected to increase in Colorado and 
Minnesota due to favorable spring weather. Dry conditions have led to 
expected yield decreases in Montana and Washington. Record barley yields are 
expected in Colorado and Idaho.

Generally dry spring weather facilitated beneficial conditions for planting 
and the development of barley in 2015. By May 31, ninety-five percent of the 
Nation's barley crop was emerged, 25 percentage points or approximately 3 
weeks ahead of the 5-year average. Sixty-two percent of the barley crop was 
headed by June 28, thirty-six percentage points ahead of the 5-year average. 
Nationwide, 73 percent of the barley crop was rated in the good to excellent 
categories at the end of the month, 5 percentage points better than the same 
time last year.

Winter wheat: Production is forecast at 1.46 billion bushels, down 3 percent 
from the June 1 forecast but up 6 percent from 2014. Based on July 1 
conditions, the United States yield is forecast at 43.7 bushels per acre, 
down 0.8 bushel from last month but up 1.1 bushels from last year. The area 
expected to be harvested for grain or seed totals 33.3 million acres, 
unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 30, 2015 but up 3 percent 
from last year. As of June 28, forty-one percent of the winter wheat crop in 
the 18 major producing States was rated in good to excellent condition, 
11 percentage points better than at the same time last year. 

As of June 28, harvest progress was equal to or behind normal in all Hard Red 
Winter (HRW) States except California. Yield increases from last month in the 
HRW growing area are expected in Colorado and Kansas but are down in Idaho, 
Montana, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, and Washington. 

As of June 28, harvest progress in the Soft Red Winter (SRW) growing area was 
behind normal in all major producing States except North Carolina. Growers in 
Michigan are expecting a record high yield in 2015, while decreases from last 
month are expected in Arkansas, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio.

Durum wheat: Production is forecast at 75.5 million bushels, up 42 percent 
from 2014. The United States yield is forecast at 39.6 bushels per acre, down 
0.1 bushel from last year. Expected area to be harvested for grain totals 
1.91 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report released on 
June 30, 2015 but up 43 percent from last year.

Durum wheat crop development has progressed ahead of normal in Montana and 
North Dakota, the two largest Durum-producing states. As of June 28, crop 
conditions in Montana and North Dakota were rated 37 percent and 91 percent 
good to excellent, respectively.

Other spring wheat: Production is forecast at 617 million bushels, up 
4 percent from last year. The United States yield is forecast at 46.7 bushels 
per acre, equal to the 2014 yield. Of the total production, 573 million 
bushels are Hard Red Spring wheat, up 3 percent from last year. Area 
harvested for grain is expected to total 13.2 million acres, unchanged from 
the Acreage report released on June 30, 2015 but up 4 percent from last year.

Crop development has been ahead of normal this spring primarily due to 
favorable weather conditions. In the six major producing States, 49 percent 
of the crop was at or beyond the heading stage as of June 28, twenty-
five percentage points ahead of last year and 20 percentage points ahead of 
the 5-year average.

Compared with last year, yield increases are expected in Minnesota, 
North Dakota and Washington but decreases are expected in Idaho, Montana, 
Oregon, and South Dakota. If realized, Minnesota and North Dakota yields will 
be record highs. As of June 28, seventy-two percent of the other spring wheat 
crop was rated in good to excellent condition compared with 70 percent at the 
same time last year. 

Tobacco: United States all flue-cured tobacco production is forecast at 
455 million pounds, down 21 percent from the 2014 crop. Area harvested, at 
207,000 acres, is 16 percent below last year. Yield per acre for flue-cured 
tobacco is forecast at 2,202 pounds, down 133 pounds from a year ago. If 
realized, the Georgia flue-cured tobacco yield will be a record high.

Lentils: Planted area is estimated at 485,000 acres, up 73 percent from last 
year. Area for harvest, at 468,000 acres, is 81 percent above a year ago. 
Planted area is the second highest on record, only below the 658,000 acres 
estimated in 2010.

In Montana, the crop was 99 percent emerged by June 21, compared with 
95 percent a year ago. By June 28, 56 percent was blooming compared with 
34 percent last year. By late-June, most of the crop was rated in fair to 
good condition.

In North Dakota, planting began in early to mid-April and as of May 24, was 
97 percent complete, forty percentage points ahead of last year. The crop was 
76 percent blooming as of July 5, compared with 41 percent a year ago. 
Condition was rated 79 percent good to excellent as of July 5.

Dry edible peas: Planted area of dry edible peas is estimated at 
980,000 acres, up 5 percent from last year. Area for harvest, at 
927,000 acres, is 3 percent above a year ago. This is the highest planted 
acreage on record and, if realized, will be the largest harvested acreage on 

In Montana, dry peas reached 97 percent emergence by June 7, compared with 
90 percent last year. By June 28, the crop was 80 percent blooming with crop 
condition rated mostly fair to good.

In North Dakota, planting began the second week of April, equal to the 5-year 
average. As of May 24, planting was 97 percent complete, which was ahead of 
last year's pace of 57 percent. As of June 28, the crop was reported at 
57 percent blooming, which was well ahead of the 5-year average of 
34 percent. As of June 28, crop condition was rated mostly good to excellent.

Austrian winter peas: Planted area of Austrian winter peas is estimated at 
28,000 acres, up 17 percent from a year ago. Area harvested is expected to 
total 21,000 acres, up 25 percent from 2014.

Apricots: The 2015 apricot crop is forecast at 53,008 tons, down 17 percent 
from last year. The California crop represents 85 percent of the total 
United States production. Harvest in California began in early May. Growers 
reported the early season varieties to be lighter than normal.

Washington's harvest began about two weeks sooner than normal due to an early 
spring with quality reported to be very good. In Utah early warm weather led 
to early blooming however the crop was damaged by late freezes.

Grapefruit: The 2014-2015 United States grapefruit crop is forecast at 
926,000 tons, down 6 percent from last month's forecast and down 12 percent 
from last season's final utilization.

Tangerines and mandarins: The United States tangerine and mandarin crop is 
forecast at 758,000 tons, unchanged from the June forecast but up 3 percent 
from last season's final utilization. 

Lemons: The forecast for the 2014-2015 United States lemon crop is 
880,000 tons, down 1 percent from previous forecast but up 7 percent from 
last season's final utilization. In California, lemon harvest is almost 85 
percent complete.

Tangelos: Florida's tangelo forecast is 680,000 boxes (31,000 tons), down 3 
percent from last month's forecast and down 23 percent from last season's 
final utilization. The production is the lowest since the 1960-1961 season.

Florida citrus: In the citrus growing region, reported daily high 
temperatures were mostly warmer than normal during June, reaching the mid to 
high 90s on several days. Precipitation was less than average in about half 
of the monitored citrus growing counties, mostly in the Western and Southern 
citrus growing areas. Rainfall totals were higher than average in Indian 
River County and St. Lucie County on the east coast, and in Glades County in 
the south. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, abnormally dry conditions 
now cover the complete Indian River District and the southern portions of 
Okeechobee, Glades and Hendry Counties. 

Harvesting of Valencia oranges was heavy the first week of the month reaching 
almost three million boxes, but tapered off quickly and was relatively 
complete by the end of the month. All other varieties were finished before 
the month began. 

Most grove caretakers were focusing on next season's crop. Field workers 
reported seeing irrigation maintenance, fertilizing, spraying summer oils, 
and treating for greening as rainfall permitted. Oranges were about golf ball 
size while grapefruit were slightly larger.

California citrus: Late navel orange harvest was finished early in June. The 
Valencia orange harvest was ongoing with exports continuing to Asian and 
domestic markets. Re-greening became common with the arrival of hot weather. 
Ruby Red grapefruit harvest started and continued throughout the month. Young 
citrus trees continued to be planted.

California noncitrus fruits and nuts: Early variety peach, nectarine and plum 
harvest tapered off in early June. Midseason stone fruit varieties were close 
to maturity by the end of the month. Reflective foil was placed on the ground 
in stone fruit orchards to promote coloring. Peaches were thinned, with 
reports of an early peach harvest in several counties. Harvesting of early 
canning peaches began. Domestic and foreign stone fruit markets remained 
strong. Pomegranate bloom finished up. Cherry harvest finished. There were 
scattered reports of blight being chapped out of pear orchards. Wine grape 
fungicide was applied once more in June. Grapevines were suckered and 
beginning to bear fruit. Spraying for mildew and mites continued in grape 
vineyards. Grape vines were trimmed to increase airflow and allow light to 
the bunches. Olive bloom ended. Irrigation in almond, walnut and other nut 
tree orchards continued. Herbicides and mowing were used to control weeds and 
pests in walnut and almond orchards. Pistachio orchards received spray 
micronutrients. Scale sprays were applied due to scattered reports of 
coddling moth in walnut orchards. By month's end, growers reported almonds 
with hull split were advancing. Application of sun protection products to 
walnuts was performed. Almonds and pistachios continued to be exported to 
foreign and domestic markets.

Statistical Methodology

Wheat survey procedures: Objective yield and farm operator surveys were 
conducted between June 24 and July 7 to gather information on expected yield 
as of July 1. The objective yield survey was conducted in 10 States that 
accounted for 60 percent of the 2014 winter wheat production. Farm operators 
were interviewed to update previously reported acreage data and seek 
permission to randomly locate two sample plots in selected winter wheat 
fields. The counts made within each sample plot depended upon the crop's 
maturity. Counts such as number of stalks, heads in late boot, and number of 
emerged heads were made to predict the number of heads that would be 
harvested. The counts are used with similar data from previous years to 
develop a projected biological yield. The average harvesting loss is 
subtracted to obtain a net yield. The plots are revisited each month until 
crop maturity when the heads are clipped, threshed, and weighed. After the 
farm operator has harvested the sample field, another plot is sampled to 
obtain current year harvesting loss.

The farm operator survey was conducted primarily by telephone with some use 
of mail, internet, and personal interviewers. Approximately 7,900 producers 
were interviewed during the survey period and asked questions about the 
probable yield on their operation. These growers will continue to be surveyed 
throughout the growing season to provide indications of average yields.

Orange survey procedures: The orange objective yield survey for the July 1 
forecast was conducted in Florida, which accounts for about 68 percent of the 
United States production. Bearing tree numbers are determined at the start of 
the season based on a tree inventory survey conducted every year combined 
with special surveys. From mid-July to mid-September, the number of fruit per 
tree is determined. In August and subsequent months, fruit size measurement 
and fruit droppage surveys are conducted, which combined with the previous 
components and are used to develop the current forecast of production. 
California and Texas conduct grower and packer surveys on a quarterly basis 
in October, January, April, and July. California also conducts objective 
measurement surveys in September for Navel oranges and in March for Valencia 

Wheat estimating procedures: National and State level objective yield and 
grower reported data were reviewed for reasonableness and consistency with 
historical estimates. The survey data were also reviewed considering weather 
patterns and crop progress compared to previous months and previous years. 
Each Regional Field Office submits their analysis of the current situation to 
the Agricultural Statistics Board (ASB). The ASB uses the survey data and the 
State analyses to prepare the published July 1 forecasts.

Orange estimating procedures: State level objective yield estimates for 
Florida oranges were reviewed for errors, reasonableness, and consistency 
with historical estimates. Reports from growers and packers in California and 
Texas were also used for setting estimates. These three States submit their 
analyses of the current situation to the Agricultural Statistics Board (ASB). 
The ASB uses the survey data and the State analyses to prepare the published 
July 1 forecast.

Revision policy: The July 1 production forecast will not be revised; instead, 
a new forecast will be made each month throughout the growing season. 
End-of-season wheat estimates are made after harvest. At the end of the wheat 
marketing season, a balance sheet is calculated using carryover stocks, 
production, exports, millings, feeding, and ending stocks. Revisions are then 
made if the balance sheet relationships or other administrative data warrant 
changes. End-of-season orange estimates will be published in the Citrus 
Fruits Summary released in September. The orange production estimates are 
based on all data available at the end of the marketing season, including 
information from marketing orders, shipments, and processor records. 
Allowances are made for recorded local utilization and home use.

Reliability: To assist users in evaluating the reliability of the July 1 
production forecast, the "Root Mean Square Error," a statistical measure 
based on past performance, is computed. The deviation between the July 1 
production forecast and the final estimate is expressed as a percentage of 
the final estimate. The average of the squared percentage deviations for the 
latest 20-year period is computed. The square root of the average becomes 
statistically the "Root Mean Square Error." Probability statements can be 
made concerning expected differences in the current forecast relative to the 
final end-of-season estimate, assuming that factors affecting this year's 
forecast are not different from those influencing recent years.

The "Root Mean Square Error" for the July 1 winter wheat production forecast 
is 2.0 percent. This means that chances are 2 out of 3 that the current 
winter wheat production will not be above or below the final estimate by more 
than 2.0 percent. Chances are 9 out of 10 (90 percent confidence level) that 
the difference will not exceed 3.5 percent. Differences between the July 1 
winter wheat production forecast and the final estimate during the past 
20 years have averaged 24 million bushels, ranging from less than 1 million 
to 65 million bushels. The July 1 forecast has been below the final estimate 
9 times and above 11 times. This does not imply that the July 1 winter wheat 
forecast this year is likely to understate or overstate final production.

The "Root Mean Square Error" for the July 1 orange production forecast is 
1.6 percent. However, if you exclude the three abnormal production seasons 
(one freeze and two hurricane seasons), the "Root Mean Square Error" is 
1.5 percent. This means that chances are 2 out of 3 that the current orange 
production forecast will not be above or below the final estimates by more 
than 1.6 percent, or 1.5 percent, excluding abnormal seasons. Chances are 
9 out of 10 (90 percent confidence level) that the difference will not exceed 
2.7 percent, or 2.6 percent, excluding abnormal seasons. 

Changes between the July 1 orange forecast and the final estimates during the 
past 20 years have averaged 129,000 tons (122,000 tons, excluding abnormal 
seasons), ranging from 9,000 tons to 370,000 tons regardless of exclusions. 
The July 1 forecast for oranges has been below the final estimate 7 times and 
above 13 times (below 4 times and above 13 times, excluding abnormal 
seasons). The difference does not imply that the July 1 forecast this year is 
likely to understate or overstate final production.

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics 
Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to [email protected]

Lance Honig, Chief, Crops Branch...................................................... (202) 720-2127

Anthony Prillaman, Head, Field Crops Section.......................................... (202) 720-2127
     Angie Considine - Cotton, Cotton Ginnings, Sorghum............................... (202) 720-5944
     Tony Dahlman - Crop Weather, Barley, Soybeans.................................... (202) 720-7621
     Chris Hawthorn - Corn, Flaxseed, Proso Millet.................................... (202) 720-9526
     James Johanson - County Estimates, Hay........................................... (202) 690-8533
     Jean Porter - Oats, Rye, Wheat................................................... (202) 720-8068
     Bianca Pruneda - Peanuts, Rice................................................... (202) 720-7688
     Travis Thorson - Sunflower, Other Oilseeds....................................... (202) 720-7369

Jorge Garcia-Pratts, Head, Fruits, Vegetables and Special Crops Section............... (202) 720-2127
     Vincent Davis - Fresh and Processing Vegetables, Onions, Strawberries, Cherries.. (202) 720-2157
     Fleming Gibson - Citrus, Coffee, Grapes, Sugar Crops, Tropical Fruits............ (202) 720-5412
     Greg Lemmons - Berries, Cranberries, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes ................... (202) 720-4285
     Dave Losh - Hops................................................................. (360) 709-2400     
     Dan Norris - Austrian Winter Peas, Dry Edible Peas, Lentils, Mint,
          Mushrooms, Peaches, Pears, Wrinkled Seed Peas, Dry Beans ................... (202) 720-3250
     Daphne Schauber - Floriculture, Maple Syrup, Nursery, Tree Nuts ................. (202) 720-4215
     Chris Singh - Apples, Apricots, Plums, Prunes, Tobacco .......................... (202) 720-4288

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 	All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web 

 	Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e-
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For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural 
Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: 
[email protected]. 
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