Brain Awareness Week


The brain allows you to interact with the world, understand and respond to carious surroundings. It is important to have a healthy brain to survive, grow and have everyday successes. How do you stay mentally fit? I have a few tips on how to keep your brain fit!

Socializing will help you critically think, be creative, and express your emotions in a healthy way. To do this, keep in touch with friends, get involved at church, by volunteering, or joining a group that meets weekly/daily. Other way is to get to know your neighbors and utilize the internet!

Doing mental stimulation is just as important as going to the gym! Play games or puzzles like Sudoku; read or write in a journal, stay a lifelong learner, pick up your favorite hobby again, or try new exciting things. Try to keep your brain stimulated by making it think critically about what you are doing.

Physical activity is not just great for your body, but for your brain as well! Basically, by getting your heart rate up, you help circulate blood and oxygen to your brain releasing endorphins and making you happy.

Nutrition always goes with physical activity, so by eating foods high in antioxidants it will help your brain naturally repair itself. Eating right in general will help your brain tremendously with everyday functions.

Lastly, catch your ZZZZZ’s. Sleep helps you with a ton of things because it gives your body a resting period where it can repair and rest. To get better sleep, exercise, eat a well-balanced diet, have a schedule and keep technology out of the bedroom.

Maintaining a healthy brain and establishing other healthy lifestyle behaviors throughout your life will influence optimal aging.


Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183


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