Can a Dentist Resolve Your Headache Symptoms?


Relief for the pain of headaches and migraines

For millions of people, the pain of frequent headaches is no small matter. In fact, the National Institutes of Health estimates that about 80 million Americans suffer from symptoms which could be described as “headaches.”

These painful signs include chronic headache, migraines, tinnitus (ringing of the ears), vertigo or temporomandibular (TMJ) dysfunction. Many sufferers have seen multiple specialists to try to identify the cause of their symptoms. Few, however, have asked the medical professional who might be most likely to help them – their dentist.

For many patients, the only answer has been the use (and overuse) of over the counter pain medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin or acetaminophen. Others have been prescribed more powerful pain medications. However, while these pharmaceutical approaches may temporarily ease the pain, they do not resolve the underlying cause – often untreated damage from trauma.

Getting to the root of the problem
Many doctors are now learning that dentomandibular sensorimotor dysfunction (an imbalanced or improper bite often resulting from head, neck, face or jaw trauma affecting not only the teeth, but also the muscles, tendons, nerves and ligaments) is often the cause of these long-term pain symptoms. This condition is often evident in patients who have experienced some type of minor or major head trauma, years or even decades ago.

Something as simple as a minor auto accident, a fall or playing sports could be the underlying cause of the pain. Unfortunately, these causes often go undiagnosed by many medical specialists. But dentists can often provide the answer using a painless diagnostic procedure that can quickly determine if their symptoms could be dental force related.

A new solution for sufferers
Dentists and orthodontists began using the TruDenta system of care more than five years ago to successfully treat these patients. The treatment uses a combination of proven sports medicine technologies and advanced dentistry to rehabilitate the damaged muscles, tendons, nerves and ligaments of the head, neck face and jaw. Thousands of patients have found lasting relief from chronic pain symptoms with properly trained and equipped dental professionals. The system uses no drugs or needles and patients often see immediate results even after the first treatment.

“My wife suffered from chronic headaches for more than 10 years. We visited every specialist with no answers. After her first treatment, she has not had another headache,” said Dr. Jeff Mastrioianni, an orthodontist in Glen Carbon, Illinois, who now uses TruDenta for many of his patients.

Patients eligible for the treatment will typically exhibit one or more of the following signs:

  • Limited mouth opening
  • Restricted cervical range of motion (the ability to tilt, turn and tip their head)
  • Clicking or popping of the jaw or clenching and grinding their teeth at night

The treatment is available nationwide and may be covered by insurance. To learn more and find a doctor near you, visit or call 855-770-4002 to learn more.
Photo Courtesy of Herry Lawford

SOURCE: TruDenta (Family Features)


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