For the Last Time: Carbs Don’t Make You Fat


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

First the Atkins diet claimed to be the solution to weight loss and health. It wasn’tTrusted Source. Now its younger cousin, the keto diet, is implying that you just weren’t restricting carbohydrates quite enough for it to work properly.

Can we stop demonizing carbohydrates already?

What are carbohydrates?

In a now infamous scene from her documentary “Homecoming,” a dejected Beyoncé reports, “In order for me to meet my goals, I’m limiting myself to no bread, no carbs, no sugar…”

…while eating an apple. Which contains carbs. If you’re going to remove something from your diet, you should probably know what it is first.Carbohydrates are one of the three main building blocks, also known as macronutrients, that make up all food, alongside protein and fat. These macronutrients are essential for the body to function.

Carbs can be further split up into three groups:

  • Sugars are simple short-chain compounds (monosaccharides and disaccharides) found in fruit like apples and the ubiquitously demonized white sugar. They taste sweet and tend to be highly palatable.
  • Starch is a longer chain of sugar compounds (polysaccharides). This type includes things such as bread, pasta, grains, and potatoes.
  • Dietary fiber is the odd one out. It’s also a polysaccharide, but the gut can’t digest it.

Remember, almost all foods that people call “carbohydrates” actually contain a combination of all three types of carbs along with protein and fat. Apart from table sugar, it’s rare to find something that’s purely a carb. That’s just not how food tends to work.


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