James Gilbaugh III, MD elected President of Kansas Medical Society


Additional Trustees also elected

The Kansas Medical Society–the state’s oldest and largest advocacy organization for physicians–

recently elected new members to its governing Board of Trustees.

• James Gilbaugh III, MD was elected President; Dr. Gilbaugh is a practicing urologist

from Wichita who will serve as President until May 2017.

• Robert Gibbs, MD–a radiologist from Parsons–will serve as President-elect. Dr. Gibbs

will assume the Presidency of KMS in May 2017.

• LaDona Schmidt, MD (Family Medicine-Salina) will serve as a Trustee from the Central


• James Longabaugh, DO (Family Medicine-Sabetha) will serve as a Trustee from the

Eastern District

• Lynn Fisher, MD (Family Medicine-Plainville) will serve as a Trustee from the Western


• Arthur Snow, Jr., MD (Family Medicine-Shawnee Mission) has been re-elected as a

Kansas Delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA)

• Richard Warner, MD (Psychiatry-Overland Park) has also been re-elected as a Kansas

Delegate to the American Medical Association

• Lambert Wu, MD (Cardiology-Topeka) will serve as Chair of the 2016 KMS Members


• Steen Mortensen, MD (Rheumatology-Wichita) will serve as Vice-Chair of the 2016

KMS Members Meeting

Also serving on the 2015-2016 KMS Board of Trustees are:

Immediate Past President John Eplee, MD; Family Medicine-Atchison

Secretary/Treasurer Kimberly Templeton, MD; Orthopaedic Surgery-Kansas City

Central District Trustee Jennifer Koontz, MD; Sports Medicine-Newton

Eastern District Trustee James Barnett, MD; Internal Medicine-Topeka

Western District Trustee James Zauche, MD; Pediatrics-Garden City

Chair, Legislative Committee Kevin Hoppock, MD; Family Medicine-Wichita

Chair, KaMMCO Daniel Suiter, MD; Gastroenterology-Pratt

Designated Trustee Joe Davison, MD; Family Medicine-Wichita

Designated Trustee Mark Brady, MD; Anesthesiology-Kansas City

AMA Delegate Terry Poling, MD; Family Medicine-Wichita

AMA Alternate Delegate Robert Gibbs, MD; Radiology-Parsons

EVC, KU Medical Center Doug Girod, MD; Otolaryngology-Kansas City

Gleason Fellow Fadi Joudi, MD; Urology-Wichita


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