I’ll admit it…breakfast food is not my jam.  Healthy breakfast food, that is.  Of course, I would love to eat donuts or pancakes every day for breakfast, but we all know that’s not good for the waistline…not to mention I really don’t have a hankering to develop diabetes.

I created this smoothie recipe out of desperation to find something that was quick, easy, healthy, and fits into my keto lifestyle.  It turned out even better than I could have imagined!  It tastes very similar to one of those smoothie places you find at the mall, but way healthier.  Yum!

Using unsweetened almond milk keeps the natural sugar count low, as opposed to using regular cow’s milk.  Make sure you opt for whole milk plain yogurt instead of a low-fat or fat-free yogurt, and definitely don’t use any kind of flavored or sweetened yogurt as that will make the sugar content skyrocket.  Choosing whole milk plain Greek yogurt will also help reduce the carb count as well.



Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium.  So much nutrition packed into a tiny package!

When following a keto lifestyle, drastically reducing carb intake and eating lots of healthy fats is essential to turning your body from being a sugar burner to a fat burner.  I add a tablespoon of MCT oil to help boost my energy and keep me feeling satisfied for a longer period of time.  What is MCT oil?  MCT oil is medium chain triglycerides and they help you reduce stored body fat by increasing your metabolic function, improves mood and cognitive function, increases energy, balances hormones, as well as a whole host of other health benefits.

Many people add orange juice to their smoothies, but at a whopping 9 teaspoons of sugar in 12 ounces of juice you might as well be drinking a Coke!  Instead, I opted to add a couple drops of Wild Orange essential oil to give it a nice orange flavor without all the added sugar.  IMPORTANT NOTE:  If choosing to use essential oils, make sure that they are safe to to consume.  Not all essential oils are safe for consumption.  I prefer to use DoTerra brand.  You can check them out HERE.


Servings: 1


8 oz unsweetened almond or coconut milk

1/4 c. whole milk plain yogurt (or whole milk plain Greek yogurt)

4 whole strawberries, frozen

1 Tbsp. chia seeds (I use this brand)

1-2 Tbsp MCT Oil (I use this brand)

1 tsp. stevia blend sweetener (I use this brand)

2 drops Wild Orange essential oil (make sure the oils you use are safe for consumption.  I prefer THIS brand.)



Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!



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