Simple steps to combat ‘Super Lice’


(NAPSI)—School days can mean the unpleasant possibility of coming in contact with head lice—but you can protect your family. Here’s a look at the situation.

The Problem

Lice infestation is the second most frequent health issue for school-age kids in the U.S., each year affecting more than 12 million children, ages 3 to 11, second only to the common cold, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Children can be exposed to lice during any close-contact situation, and lice can be transferred to siblings and even parents. Adding to parents’ concerns is the recent news from the American Chemical Society (ACS) that pesticide-resis_tant “super lice” have been identified. Genetic mutations have occurred over time, enabling strains of lice to become increasingly resistant to the active ingredients permethrin and pyrethroids used in many pesticide-based, over-the-counter (OTC) treatments.

According to the ACS, “Scientists report that lice populations in at least 25 states have developed resistance to over-the-counter treatments still widely recommended by doctors and schools.” This has led some people to fear that all OTC products are ineffective and the only solution is a potentially costly prescription that may not be readily available to all families. Thankfully, that’s not true.

A Solution

The latest innovations in effective head lice treatments are non-toxic, pesticide-free products designed to eliminate lice so there is no concern about pesticide resistance.

“While it is perfectly fine to get a doctor’s advice, parents should be aware of new options such as Vamousse, which dehydrates lice and nits,” explained Jason Schmidt, Director of Research & Development for TyraTech, a company specializing in non-toxic insect and parasite solutions.

To defend against lice, Schmidt recommends using Vamousse Lice Defense shampoo daily during high-risk periods and for 10 to 14 days after potential exposure.

If there is evidence that lice are present, there’s Vamousse Lice Treatment to kill lice and their eggs in one treatment. “Vamousse kills lice without the use of the pesticides to which some strains of ‘super lice’ are becoming increasingly resistant,” said Schmidt.

To Avoid the Issue

To not get lice in the first place, the CDC suggests that kids:

  • Avoid head-to-head contact during play.
  • Don’t share hats, scarves, hair ribbons or barrettes.
  • Don’t share combs, brushes or towels.

Learn More

Further facts and resources can be found at


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