Teaching lifelong health skills to our kids


We can do a lot as parents to protect our kids from ailments that strike typically in middle age and beyond, according to research by Tulane University physician Gerald S. Berenson whose Bogalusa Heart Study has been tracking 145,000 children and young adults over a period of thirty years. “It all starts in childhood,” Berenson says. It’s our “window of opportunity” to have an impact on a child’s weight, height, bones and tooth strength.

Other diseases have their origins in childhood too. Diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes all can be linked back to poor habits developed during childhood. As a parent, try these suggestions to help protect your child…

For the list of ways to teach and practice healthy habits, see the full version of this article at http://missourifamilies.org/features/nutritionarticles/nut123.htm


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