De-Stress Your Move


(NAPSI)—Although moving is one of the most stressful life events—according to the Employee Relocation Council—it doesn’t have to be. Here are four steps to make moving easier:

  • Build A To-Do Timeline—Start by making a list of everything you need to do and when you need to do it. Include tasks such as budgeting, decluttering, hiring movers, purchasing supplies, and updating important medical and financial records.
  • Create A Moving At-A-Glance List—Put all your critical move-related names, phone numbers and addresses on one document to carry with you and store in your smartphone. Be sure you can easily access your moving contract, real estate and mortgage documents, and info on local utilities, banks and schools, too.
  • Pack A First-Night Survival Box—After you’ve arrived at your new home, you don’t want to have to hunt for the must-have items, such as box cutters, tools, device chargers, bed linens, toiletries—and the coffeepot for the following morning.
  • Look Online For Help—If you’re one of the 40 million people estimated to move this year, you can turn to valuable online resources, such as the Moving Guide, from CableMover. It’s a one-stop, customizable solution to help you stay organized and stress-free.


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