Everyone benefits from family meals


Adapted from articles written by Lynda Johnson & Tammy Roberts, Nutrition and Health Education Specialists, University of Missouri Extension

Following more than 10 years of research, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University consistently found that kids who eat dinner with their families are less likely to smoke, drink or use drugs.

Lynda Johnson, University of Missouri Extension nutrition and health education specialist, said family meals are not only a simple, effective tool to help prevent substance abuse in kids, but are also good for children’s nutrition.

“Many child experts indicate that regular family meals are one of the best ways to help children and teens be fit, healthy and ready to succeed,” said Johnson. “Young people who spend more time eating and talking with their families are more likely to do well in school, more likely to have a healthy weight and get the nutrition they need. They are less likely to use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, and less likely to develop eating disorders. They are also less likely to have sex, get into fights and have thoughts of suicide.”

Family mealtime helps foster a sense of connectedness for children and an opportunity to focus on family communication. Positive conversations at mealtime strengthen family relationships, share family values and help parents understand the challenges that children face today.

Johnson promotes family meals as both an opportunity for family interactions, but also the ideal setting to teach children the benefits of healthy eating. She suggests using mealtimes to show kids how to eat slowly and enjoy their food and talk about how eating healthy foods helps people grow strong and have energy.

In 2001, CASA launched the annual Family Day – A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children to remind parents that frequent family dinners make a difference. Family Day (Sept. 22, 2014) focuses attention on the importance of eating and talking together at mealtime, and encourages family meals “even if you aren’t a great cook.” The focus should be on the time interacting together, not on creating an elaborate meal. The meal can be as simple as ordering a pizza or picking up a rotisserie chicken, cooking a vegetable and preparing a salad.

Check out the full version of this article for great tips on how to get your children involved in preparing meals and how to make time for family meals when you have a busy family schedule: http://missourifamilies.org/features/nutritionarticles/nut198.htm


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