Fighting fleas and ticks now and for the future


(NAPSI)—Many homeowners and pet owners may be surprised to learn that when it comes to fleas and ticks, beating those pests can be a year-round job.

Even when the weather cools, you still need to be hot on their trail, inside and outside your home. It’s wise to keep ticks and fleas away from your family, furniture and furry friends before they can transmit dangerous diseases to pets and people. Here are tips on how:

What To Look For

Signs your pet may have fleas can include flea dirt (small dark flakes), excessive itching or scratching, redness and inflammation, hot spots and pale gums.

Adult ticks are also often visible to the naked eye, so you may spot them on short-haired animals. But with longer-haired ones, it’s best to do a thorough inspection with a flea and tick comb.

Why You Should

Among the diseases that fleas and ticks can cause are Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, hepatozoonosis and anaplasmosis, as well as allergic reactions, such as flea allergy dermatitis.

What To Do

There are five simple steps that should prove effective.

  1. Prevention includes regular vet visits for your pet and applying a monthly flea and tick topical treatment.
  2. If you ever see any fleas or ticks on your animal, use a special pesticide shampoo right away.
  3. Often, when you see fleas on your pets, they’re already in your environment as well. To show them they’re not welcome in your home, first, thoroughly vacuum all carpeting, upholstered furniture, drapes, along baseboards, under furniture and in closets. Seal the vacuum bag and dispose of it in outdoor trash. Mop hard-surface floors.
  4. Then, spray the carpet and furniture with a flea and tick fighter. One new product, PetArmor Home Household Spray, has a unique dual-action water-based formula with deodorizing technology that kills fleas and ticks, and flea eggs and larvae for seven months. It also eliminates odors in pet bedding, carpet, rugs, upholstered furniture and other areas frequented by pets while combating roaches, ants, spiders, lice, crickets, centipedes, water bugs, silverfish and sow bugs.

You can use this spray on furniture, carpets, mattresses and just about any infested areas including pet beds and resting quarters, nearby cracks and crevices, along and behind baseboards, window- and doorsills, and localized areas of floor and floor covering where fleas, ticks and lice may be present.

  1. To further protect your place and find and kill fleas hidden in carpets, rugs, draperies, upholstery, pet bedding and floor cracks, there’s PetArmor Home and Carpet Spray. It, too, will continue to kill flea eggs, larvae and pupae for up to seven months after application, breaking the flea cycle, and also kills adult fleas.

It also works on ticks, bedbugs, lice and dust mites. There’s no objectionable odor or sticky mess and, when used as directed, it won’t stain furnishings.

Where To Learn More

For further facts and tips, call (888) 908-TICK (8425) or visit


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