Inexpensive gifts can create chereished memories


Simple Christmases that are low on cost but high on meaning are possible according to Janet LaFon, family financial education specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

In fact, she says a $10 limit is possible if you carefully plan your holiday spending.

The first step to achieving a small holiday limit is to make the decision to hold down spending.

“Tell relatives and friends you can’t afford to exchange gifts. This can be hard to do, but you may find that keeping holiday spending down can pay off in some unexpected ways,” said LaFon.

Next, decide how to spend your budgeted Christmas funds. Will some be spent on the adults, or will it all be spent on the children?


Be creative when shopping for inexpensive gifts. According to LaFon, it is amazing how many things you can find for children: balloons, bubble mixture, magnifying glasses, magnets, jump ropes, jacks, supplies for craft projects, crayons and glue.

Adults can exchange beautiful and often touching gifts which cost little or no money. Some ideas include an original poem, items which are home sewn, knitted, crocheted, needle pointed, built or painted, or coupon booklets for free meals or babysitting.

For more ways to avoid Christmas debt, check out the full version of this article at


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