National Domestic Violence Month


It is National Domestic Violence month in October and this is the perfect time to bring awareness and prevention for future domestic violence actions. For the month of October, I will have a series about Domestic Violence.

Domestic Violence is described as physical and emotional abuse by one person in a relationship to control the other. Partners may be married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together, separated or dating. Examples are: hitting, name calling, put-downs, sexual abuse, intimidation, stalking and threating.


Some quick facts from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been physically abused by an intimate partner. On a typical day, domestic violence hotlines nationwide receive approximately 20,800 calls. 1 in 10 high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. Violent behaviors often begin between the ages of 12 and 18.


Anyone can be a victim; any race, age, gender, education or marital status. If you are being abused remember you are not alone, it is not your fault and help is available.

A few of the places in Harvey County that will help you:

Harvey County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Taskforce: 1-800-487-0510
Safe Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: 316-283-0350
Agape Resource Center (food pantry & clothing closet): 316-283-1600
Salvation Army: 316-283-3190
New Jerusalem Missions: 316-282-2101
Harvey County Homeless Shelter: 316-283-7711
Health Ministries Clinic: 316-283-6103
Offender Victim Ministries: 316-283-2038
Harvey County Health Department: 316-283-1937


4-H & Human Development News

By: Anne Pitts, Harvey County Extension Agent, 4-H & Human Development


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