Promoting young children’s early literacy


May 4-10, 2015 is Children’s Book Week

Sara Gable, Ph.D., State Specialist & Associate Professor, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, University of Missouri Extension

To promote young children’s delight in talking, listening, reading and writing, adults need to provide a variety of interesting language experiences. Children who have reading difficulties in the primary grades often had limited early literacy learning experiences.

Children with reading difficulties have:

  • less letter knowledge
  • less sensitivity to the notion that the sounds of speech are distinct from their meaning
  • less familiarity with the basic purpose and mechanisms of reading
  • poorer general language ability

Children who are skilled readers:

  • understand the alphabet and letters
  • use background knowledge and strategies to obtain meaning from print
  • and can easily identify words and read fluently

Activities that prepare young children for learning to read emphasize…

To learn more about promoting early literacy, see the full version of this article at


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