Tomato Variety Trials


Each year we have our Master Gardeners plant and rate a number of tomato varieties.  We also give a set to Tom Fowler with the University of Missouri Extension Service.  He combines our set with a number of additional varieties.  I am still working on data from our Kansas Master Gardeners and will write on those results later.  Following are the results from varieties that Tom grew in both 2015 and 2016.  All data are from the combined results of both years.  We list the average fruit size in ounces, the numbers of fruit per plant and the number of pounds per plant.  I have listed the varieties in alphabetical order.

Variety    Avg/Fruit (oz)    Fruit/Plant    Lbs/Plant
Amana Orange    11.16    4.1    2.98
Amish Paste     2.20    69.6    9.86
Anna Russian    6.42    15.8    6.7
Arkansas Traveler    5.76    19.8    6.32
Beefmaster    8.78    13.8    7.2
Beefsteak    4.51    27.6    6.68
BHN 589    6.08    25    9.48
BHN871    5.43    16.5    5.84
Big Beef    7.34    17.6    5.76
Big Boy    5.25    12.1    4.26
Black Krim    6.26    12    4.64
Brandywine Black    6.86    15.9    6.66
Brandywine Pink    9.31    5.7    3.32
Brandywine Red    8.07    4.7    2.22
Brandywine Yellow    3.74    0.6    0.28
Celebrity    5.45    25.5    8.7
Chef’s Choice    5.88    25.9    9.52
Cherokee Purple    7.95    13.4    6.76
Delicious    3.02    18.6    4.2
Early Girl    3.17    31.7    6.1
Florida 91    6.33    19    7.52
German Johnson    7.72    4.1    1.95
Giant Belgium    9.27    7.3    4.6
Golden Jubilee    5.20    8    2.35
Jet Star    5.78    31.4    11.1
Mortgage Lifter    7.36    7.5    3.52
Mt. Majesty    6.19    25.8    10.14
Oxacan Jewel    4.58    12.4    3.6
Oxheart     5.35    14.9    4.98
Ponderosa Pink    7.84    6    2.95
Roma     1.78    51.7    5.78
Rutgers     2.91    22.3    4.12
Summer Pick    5.88    22.4    8.6
Ultrasonic    5.00    32.7    10.44
Vintage Wine    6.50    3.5    1.44

Both 2015 and 2016 were challenging years for northwest Missouri with 2016 being the most difficult.  It will be interesting to compare what Tom found with the results from our Master Gardeners.  (Ward Upham)


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