Vegetable tips for fair exhibits at the Harvey County Fair


It’s time to think about entering fair exhibits at the Harvey County Fair! Here are some tips on selecting vegetables and what the judge will be looking for!



  1. Uniform in size, shape, color, and stage of maturity.
  2. Free of blemishes.
  3. Seed about half matured in pod.
  4. Not stringy, should snap readily when bent.
  5. No broken ends.



  1. Uniform in size, shape and color.
  2. Smooth, clean and fresh.
  3. Typical of type
  4. Tops trimmed 1 to 3 inches (1 to 11⁄2 inches preferred). Trim tops evenly and cut should be fresh.
  5. Avoid carrots with green discoloration at the top.
  6. Remove all side or hair roots and trim taproots evenly.



  1. Firm specimens
  2. Dark green color
  3. Uniform length and size.  Avoid pointed or uneven diameter specimens.
  4. Specimens may be washed but do not wax or oil.



  1. Fresh, not wilted or soft.
  2. Wipe with moist cloth.
  3. Uniform color, bright, deep and shiny
  4. Heavy, firm and free from blemishes.
  5. Avoid bronze discoloration.



  1. Harvest when half grown (about 2- to 3-inch pods).
  2. Woody pods are overmature.
  3. Uniform in size, shape and color.
  4. Leave stems on—trim to 1⁄2 inch with stems trimmed evenly.


Onions, Mature

  1. Uniform, mature, solid, bright.
  2. Neck small and well cured or dry.
  3. Smooth, clean with outside skin intact. DO NOT PEEL.
  4. Color typical of variety
  5. Tops trimmed 1⁄2 to 1 inch above the bulb.
  6. Roots neatly trimmed 1⁄8 to 1⁄4 inch below bulb.


Squash, Summer (Zucchini,Yellow Crookneck or Straightneck, Patty-Pan)

  1. Specimens should be uniform in size, shape and color.
  2. Stems should be attached and trimmed 1⁄2 to 1 inch.
  3. Specimens should be immature or rind should not be tough or hard (specimens 6 to 9 inches long are preferred).
  4. True to variety type and free from blemishes and dirt.



  1. Select for varietal type, size, color, and maturity.
  2. Firm, free from cracks, disease, insect, and mechanical injury.
  3. Remove stem when exhibiting.
  4. Do not get overripe or soft specimens.
  5. Exhibit with stem end down.


Vegetable and flower exhibit entries will be accepted from 8:00 AM until 11:00 AM Saturday August 5th in the commercial building of the Harvey County Fair.   I hope to see you at the Harvey County Fair!


Debbie Church

Office Professional

Harvey County Extension

800 N Main, Room 11, P.O. Box 583

Newton, KS. 67114  316-284-6930



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