Turkey Hatchery


Released May 14, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Eggs in Incubators on May 1 Down 7 Percent from Last Year

Turkey eggs in incubators on May 1, 2015, in the United States totaled 26.9 million, down 7 percent from May 1, 2014. Eggs in incubators were down 7 percent from the April 1, 2015 total of 28.8 million eggs.


Poults Hatched During April Up 2 Percent from Last Year

Turkey poults hatched during April 2015, in the United States totaled 23.3 million, up 2 percent from April 2014. Poults hatched were down 4 percent from the March 2015 total of 24.2 million poults.


Net Poults Placed During April Down 2 Percent from Last Year The 22.2 million net poults placed during April 2015 in the United States were down 2 percent from the number placed during the same month a year earlier. Net placements were up 1 percent from the March 2015 total of 21.9 million.


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