National 4-H Week


By Hannah Anderson, County Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development

More than seven million young people across the country will be celebrating National 4-H Week, which takes place annually during the first full week of October.

Harvey County 4-H leverages National 4-H Week to celebrate the great things that the 4-H youth development program offers young people and highlights the incredible 4-H members who each day work to make a positive impact on their community. Around our communities you will see 4-H posters, window displays and community service events happening this week.

4-H is a nationwide program led by state land-grant universities in cooperation with local county/district extension councils. In Kansas, 4-H is the largest youth educational program, aside from public schools.

4-H is a community of young people, ages 5-18, across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential working and learning in partnership with caring adults. 4-H is education for life that uses a learn by-doing approach.

4-H is bringing families together. In this busy world, schedules often send family members in a variety of directions. 4-H families learn together. They plan meetings, events, projects and activities together. Family members help out as club leaders, project leaders, meeting helpers, transportation aides and in a variety of other ways. Parental involvement can help ensure the best learning experience for your child.

National 4-H week also marks the start of a new 4-H year, which is a great time to get involved. Harvey County 4-H will host “4-H Sign-Up Day” on October 22nd from 9am-noon at the Newton Rec Center. Anyone who would like more information about joining or volunteering with 4-H should stop by to learn more. Projects ranging from rabbits and goats to entomology and crafts will be on display, so come by and check out what our Harvey County 4-H members have been up to!



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