Brown bag program features Eisenhower Era Memoir


ABILENE, Kan. – Eileen Givens, granddaughter of Douglas McKay, Secretary of  Interior under President Eisenhower, has published an informal memoir of her grandparents’ life in Washington, D.C.

Givens will speak at a brown bag luncheon and book signing at noon on October 14. The public is invited to bring a lunch and join the discussion in the Visitors Center Auditorium of the Eisenhower Presidential Library. Birthday cake will be served to commemorate Ike’s 124th birthday.


Based on Mrs. McKay’s letters to her friends and family, the memoir gives an inside look at some of the people and politics in the Eisenhower administration. Copies of the book, “I Baked a Cake for Ike and Mamie!” A Memoir of Douglas and Mabel McKay: Letters from Washington, D.C. will be for sale in the Presidential Gift Shop. The title refers to the time when Mabel baked an angel food cake for Mrs. Eisenhower.


Douglas McKay was a U.S. Army veteran, successful businessman and politician. He served as the Secretary of Interior during Eisenhower’s first administration from 1953-1956.


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