Education Summit: The State of Kansas Education


SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1-5 pm SEIU, 3340 W. Douglas Avenue, Wichita


A collection of Kansas education insiders will come together on April 8th, 2017, to bring the education community and pro-public education Kansans together to explore:

  • What is the current status of public education locally,
    statewide, and nationally?
  • What is the legal status of the funding of public education
    in the State?
  • How worried should educators–and those who care about educators–be about the security of Kansas Teachers’
    retirement savings?
  • What is the “Every Student Succeeds Act” and how is it
    being implemented in Kansas
  • What specific actions can Kansans take to stand up for
    Public Education?
  • What elections are upcoming and what is the process,
    as well as pros and cons, of running for elected office?



1:00 pm Kathy Busch–State of the State of Kansas Education–an Overview
2:00 pm Steve Wentz–ESSA and Forces against Education
2:45 pm Alan Rupe–Education Funding Lawsuit–Status
and Potential Path(s) Forward
3:45 pm Diane Gjerstad–KPERS Funding–Will we break

our promises to our teachers?

4:30 pm Getting Involved including Janet Miller on the
Election Process
NOTE: Times posted are estimated.
QUESTIONS? Contact Martha Pint, 316-259-6182
or email [email protected]



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