Gary Sechrist to present “Minor League Baseball in Lyons”


On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Lyons State Bank Community Room, Gary

Sechrist will present a program entitled “Did You Know There was Minor League

Baseball in Lyons?”  This program is part of the 2015 lecture series of the Rice County

historical Society/Coronado Quivira Museum.

The Lyons Lions was a minor league team that played in Lyons for four years.  Sechrist

will provide an overview of the league and details about some of the local minor league

players who went on to play in the major leagues.  He will also talk about the American

League Rookie of the Year with connections to the Lyons Ban Johnson league team in

1956.  Other teams, such as the Kansas City Monarchs who visited Lyons in 1948, will

be included in Sechrist’s presentation.

Sechrist is the retired USS 405 Superintendent and current Kansas Association of

School Board (KASB) Leadership Services Field Specialist. Sechrist began his teaching

career in Hays and went on to Lindsborg before moving to Lyons.  His interests are

history, sports, and art.  Recently, he decided to take up art again.   The subject matter

for his watercolors is rural Kansas.

The Coronado Quivira Museum is open Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.  It is closed on Mondays.  The Museum is

located at 105 West Lyon, Lyons, Kansas.  Phone (620) 257-3941.


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