Ranchers and Farmers Close Business at Annual Meeting


MANHATTAN — Today more than 350 Farm Bureau members of Kansas wrapped up business for their farm organization after debating and adopting policy statements for 2016. These policies will now become the organization’s roadmap for the 2016 legislative session.

Topics of discussion at the 97th Annual Kansas Farm Bureau Meeting included: water, technology and education.

Nemaha County farmer Jeff Grossenbacher was elected as vice president. Marieta Hauser, Grant County, was re-elected to serve as women’s committee chair. Others re-elected to the board of directors include:

Glenn Brunkow, Pottawatomie County
Joe Newland, Wilson County
Stacey Forshee, Cloud County
Keith Miller, Barton County
Jim Sipes, Stanton County
Members contributed more than $17,000 to the Kansas Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture through silent and live auctions. Other activities included a host of agriculture-related workshops presented by national experts including Dr. Barry Flinchbaugh and American Farm Bureau’s Dale Moore. County Farm Bureaus and volunteers were recognized for their 2015 achievements.

Kansas Farm Bureau represents grassroots agriculture. Established in 1919, this non-profit advocacy organization supports farm families who earn their living in a changing industry.



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