Newton Et Cetera Shop to Award Local Giving Grants


Newton Et Cetera Shop invites applications to their annual Local Giving grant process.

Local Giving grants are made available each spring by the Newton Et Cetera Shop board of directors. Application forms may be downloaded at and must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] by April 7, 2017.

More than $20,000 will be awarded to selected groups by June 2017, in amounts up to $5,000.

Applicants for the Local Giving grants must hold legal nonprofit status and operate out of and serve Newton, Hesston, Goessel, Moundridge, Whitewater, Elbing, Halstead or Walton.

Applicants do not need to have a religious affiliation or mission, but they must function in a manner consistent with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and be guided by purposes consistent with MCC’s.

Newton Et Cetera Shop is a nonprofit thrift shop with a mission to provide quality, affordable, recycled merchandise to the community; encourage volunteerism, stewardship, and recycling; and benefit the work of MCC and the local community.

Et Cetera Shop was started by volunteers in 1976 as a way of raising money for MCC. Currently more than 230 volunteers are actively involved. Since opening, the shop has donated more than $3 million to MCC.

“In 2012, Et Cetera Shop also began setting aside approximately 10 percent of its proceeds for local community giving,” said Katherine Claassen, Newton Et Cetera Shop board member. “Each spring, we’ve invited qualified organizations to apply for a grant from our Local Giving Fund.

“Since 2012, we’ve given away over $100,000 locally. That’s in addition to about $5,000 each year going to community needs as merchandise vouchers given to local organizations.”


MCC is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches that shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice.

MCC partners with local organizations and individuals in more than 50 countries around the world. Its priorities include disaster relief, sustainable community development, and justice and peace-building. A detailed description of MCC’s core values, principles, and practices may be found at


For more information about the Local Giving grants, please contact Sara Dick, general manager, Newton Et Cetera Shop, 619 N. Main Street, Newton KS 67114; phone 316-283-9461 or e-mail [email protected]. The store is on Facebook at


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