Biologists’ Newsletters Are Anglers’ Multitools


PRATT ­– Just about everyone can attest to the value of a Swiss army knife – they’re compact, reliable, and useful in a variety of situations. The same can be said for Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s district fisheries newsletters. Crafted by the men and women who know area waters best, these free, online newsletters are produced by fisheries staff for anyone who signs up to receive them. It’s like having your very own fisheries multitool in your pocket, only each newsletter is tailored specifically for the district where you fish.

Have you ever wondered what was the biggest fish caught in a body of water? Or how many saugeye were stocked in your favorite lake last year? Chances are, you’ll find that out and more after signing up to receive your local fisheries newsletter. Nowhere else will you find more up-to-date, relevant, and reliable information. And the best part is, you can sign up to receive newsletters for as many different areas as you like.

To sign up for KDWPT fisheries newsletters, visit and click “News,” “Newsletter Request Forms,” then simply locate the district newsletters you’re interested in. Most fisheries district newsletters are issued quarterly, and there are newsletters for various wildlife areas, as well. It’s fast, simple, and you only need to sign up once.

Quit wondering and start strategizing today with KDWPT fisheries newsletters.


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