GPS Monitoring on Mule Deer in Nebraska


Mule deer in southwest Nebraska receive monitoring devices

Sixty mule deer does are carrying GPS monitoring devices for a new research study designed to aid in the management of mule deer populations in high and low density areas of Nebraska.

A crew of about 15 people, consisting of graduate students, faculty, and collaborators from the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, along with Nebraska Game and Parks Commission staff, equipped the deer with monitoring devices after a helicopter capture crew caught them in two study areas last week. The crew set up mobile staging stations in Hayes, Frontier, Red Willow, and Furnas counties.

The GPS devices will allow for remote monitoring via satellite and provide valuable data on movements and habitat use while still allowing researchers to locate the deer on the ground to investigate possible mortalities and other important events. Read more.

Curious to see what the scene on the ground looked like? Check out video footage on our Facebook page.

Join the team at Nebraska Game and Parks

Llifeguard at Mahoney State Park

We’re hiring! Nebraska state park areas statewide are looking for seasonal employees to assist with park management functions.

Have fun and gain hands-on experience in hospitality management, food service management, landscaping, business administration and more. We have a variety of openings to fit any interest. Make it a summer job or a career — the choice is yours.

If you love the outdoors, enjoy connecting with people and are excited by the possibility of every day being different, apply today!

To see available positions and apply, visit our website.

Big game lotteries offer unique opportunities

Bull elk walking across a field

Enter one of Nebraska’s Super Tag lotteries for a chance to win a four-species permit.

The Super Tag lottery awards a tag for elk, deer, antelope and a spring and fall turkey. The lucky winner has two years to fill their permit.

There are two Super Tag lotteries: one open only to Nebraska residents, and one open to both Nebraska residents and nonresidents. The latter can be entered multiple times.

Nebraska residents and nonresidents may also apply for the Combo lottery, which includes a tag for deer, antelope and turkey. You may enter as many times as you like.

Get your lottery entry in today. And start making your plans to hunt Nebraska this fall!

New application procedure for archery paddlefish permits

Applicants for archery paddlefish permits are advised to be aware of a change to the payment system this year.

Application fees are $33 for residents and $57 for nonresidents. Starting this year, $7 of that fee is due at the time of application. The remainder ($26 for residents, $50 for nonresidents) is due, if a permit is awarded, within 15 days of draw notification.

The application period begins at 1 p.m. Central Time on March 1 and lasts through the 14th. Read more online.


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