Kansas Water Authority Approves Water Marketing Rate at April Meeting in Lenexa


Recently the Kansas Water Authority (KWA) met in the city of Lenexa for their April meeting. Over the two days the KWA participated in a tour and business meeting. The members toured Water One’s Wolcott Water Treatment Plant facility as well as the water intake off the Missouri River.


The KWA heard from the Public Water Supply Committee and approved the Water Marketing Program Variable rate for the 2019 calendar year at $0.405/1000 gallons. They approved the Kansas Water Office (KWO) to enter into several United States Geological Survey agreements including the streamgaging network, Kansas River Quality Monitoring and Neosho River Sediment Monitoring. Agreements were also authorized with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for the Kansas River and Cottonwood/Neosho River Sediment studies.


The Authority was briefed on project proposals submitted to the USACE by KWO to address beneficial uses of sediment in Tuttle Creek and John Redmond reservoirs. At Tuttle Creek historical estimates indicate that 3,800 acre-feet per year has been lost due to sedimentation. Based on bathymetry it is estimated that approximately 40 percent of the reservoir’s original storage capacity has been silted in. Conservation efforts that were implemented in 2017 in the watershed above Tuttle Creek are projected to reduce the sediment deposition by less than 100 acre-feet per year. Water Injection Dredging technology in combination with hydrosuction is being explored as a method of passing sediment through the dam and distributed into downstream river systems.


The State Water Plan Fund budget process for the coming fiscal year was approved and new members appointed to Regional Advisory Committees. As part of the Kansas Water Vision, the KWA also heard updates from three of the Regional Advisory Committees on implementation of their regional priority projects.


The Long Term Vision for the Future of Water Supply in Kansas has an educational supplement to address water education for Kansas. The KWA was presented different strategies to consider, helping Kansans value their water and understand the source of their water supply.


The KWA is responsible for advising the Governor, Legislature and Director of the Kansas Water Office on water policy issues. They also ensure that water policies and programs address the needs of all Kansans as well as serve as advisors of the Kansas Water Vision and Kansas Water Plan. The KWA was established in 1981 and consists of 13 voting members who are appointed by the Governor or Legislative leadership. State agency directors serve as ex-officio members.


KWA meetings are held throughout the year and for additional information and other upcoming meetings, visit www.kwo.ks.gov.




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