McPherson State Fishing Lake Fishing Report

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
Channel catfish Good Up to 30″ Fish with earthworms, cutbait, and liver lakewide, especially on the windblown shore. The lake is an excellent spot for keeper-sized and the occasional trophy-sized channel catfish. Fish feeders have been cancelled due to blue green algae.
Crappie Fair 8-10″ Fish for crappie around trees and brush with live minnows or small jigs. The crappie population at McPherson SFL is generally poor; however, a few big crappie were sampled last spring.  Crappie harvest is slow.
Largemouth bass Good Up to 7 lb. Currently, largemouth are being reported as good for fish up to 2 lbs, but larger fish can be caught, with texas rigged softbaits in the aquatic vegetation.  The bite is slowing due to colder water conditions.
Saugeye Fair 15-20″ Saugeye seem to like the lower end of the reservoir around rocks.  Try using jigs with nightcrawlers or horsehair jigs. Recent reports are good for 12 – 20″ fish with spinning jigs and plastic worms around aquatic vegetation and near the shoreline.
General Comments
Be cautious of blue green algae in the lake and potential health issues that come from the toxins that they release.  Do not drink the water or allow pets to drink the water.  Fish fillets are safe to eat.

A bathymetric map with depth contours has been recently completed and is available on the lake page.

– Updated: 11/23/15

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