It is National Praline Day! What better way to celebrate than to give you a recipe from Food Network’s Paula Dean. Enjoy!



1/2 cup sugar

1 1/2 cups packed light brown sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons dark corn syrup

1 cup evaporated milk

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups pecan halves



Butter the sides of a heavy 2-quart saucepan. Put the sugars, salt, corn syrup, milk, and butter in saucepan. Over medium heat, stir mixture constantly with a wooden spoon until sugars have dissolved and mixture comes to a boil. Continue to cook to a soft ball stage, approximately 236 degrees F on a candy thermometer. (If you do a cold-water test, drizzle a drop of candy into a glass of cold water, the ball of candy will flatten between your fingers when you take it out of the water.) Remove from heat and allow it to cool for 10 minutes.

Add the vanilla and nuts, and beat with a spoon by hand for approximately 2 minutes or until candy is slightly thick and begins to lose its gloss. Quickly drop heaping tablespoons onto waxed paper. If the candy becomes stiff, add a few drops of hot water.




Denise Barkley

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930 | [email protected]

Fax: 316-283-6183


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