National Strawberry Parfait Day


By Susan Jackson, County Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science

Summer is a great time to eat all of you favorite fruits, because they are fresh and refreshing to eat! Also, June 25th is national strawberry parfait day, and because of that I have included a strawberry parfait recipe from Kansas State Research and Extension’s program called “Kids a Cookin’”. This recipe is made for children to make and enjoy, but it is just as good for adults and easy to make.


6 tablespoons vanilla yogurt, divided

2 heaping tablespoons cereal, either flakes or nuggets

2 tablespoons strawberries or crushed pineapple

1 teaspoon chopped peanuts

1 teaspoon mini-chocolate chips (optional)


  1. Measure 2 tablespoons of yogurt into an 8-ounce clear cup.
  2. Sprinkle cereal on top.
  3. Spread 2 more tablespoons of yogurt on top.
  4. Spread fruit on top.
  5. Add 2 more tablespoons of yogurt.
  6. Top with chopped peanuts and chocolate chips.


Hope you enjoy this treat while trying to beat the heat!


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