Horse and Dog Racing Could Solve Budget Shortfall


As Kansans learn that the State received $53 million less than expected in tax revenue during February 2016 – forcing a $17 million budget cut to higher education, Race for Kansas (HB 2537) offers a solution to supplement the budget shortfall with more than $23 million of additional revenue to the state of Kansas. Yesterday, legislators in the Commerce, Labor and Economic Development Committee hosted an informational hearing on the economic impact of Horse and Greyhound racing to Kansas commerce.

Representative John Barker, Abilene, sponsored HB 2537 and sees it as a positive move for Kansas. “Passage of HB 2537 is a boost to the Kansas economy, is good for Kansas agriculture and supports the addition of several thousand jobs in Kansas. The ranchers and businesses who support this legislation are not asking for any state incentives. They are simply asking that the tax rate be set at an economically viable level,” Rep. Barker stated during the hearing.

Dr. Arthur P. Hall presented his economic impact study on the Kansas racing sector to legislators today saying, “The bottom line is that the net economic impact of Horse and Greyhound racing is very positive.”

According to Dr. Hall’s economic impact study, the “restoration of live horse racing and greyhound racing in Kansas will generate an estimated 4,475 jobs, $291 million in annual wages, and $23 million in annual state and local tax revenue—not counting revenue derived directly from gaming.”

Dr. Hall added, “No economic development incentives are involved with restoring the racetracks.  To motivate at least $160 million in private investment, the investor seeks only the opportunity to compete on a level playing field with the destination casinos, by partnering with the State on the same terms as the casinos.”

Ralph Lilja is a Kansas Thoroughbred breeder and President of the Kansas Thoroughbred Association. He spent the day in Topeka visiting with legislators and had one overarching message – “Level the playing field. Set the tax rate for racetracks at the same level as privately run, state-owned casinos and give Kansas Horse and Greyhound owners the opportunity to excel.”

For more information, to see the full economic impact study and to support the movement, visit

Race for Kansas, an initiative of the Greater Kansas Racing Alliance, supports rural agriculture and community economic development in Kansas. This initiative supports legislation that will create 4,475 jobs for Kansans, supports Kansas farms and businesses, generates Kansas tourism and helps solve the budget gap in Kansas.


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