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First Aid for Storm-Damaged Trees

Hank Stelzer Forestry State Specialist School of Natural Resources In the aftermath of a severe ice or wind storm, many homeowners ask a simple question about their...

Bugs in Kansas

By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture Some insects come around every 17 years or so, like the 17 Year Cicada.  Others are always here!  ...

Pruning Deciduous Shrubs

Gardeners are eager to get out and do something in the landscape this time of year. One chore that can be taken care of...

Spring trees

By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture Spring is ALMOST here!  Time to think about planting trees. The Kansas Forest Service offers low-cost tree and shrub...

Brown-bag features fall harvest potluck

LINCOLN, Neb. — A brown-bag presentation titled "Let's Eat! The landscape" will be held Nov. 6 at noon and again at 5:30 p.m. at...

Honeysuckle berries

What is the "Wild" Shrub with the Bright Red Berries People in the eastern half of the state have been reporting shrubs with bright red...

Fall shrub pruning

What is it about fall that makes folks think about pruning? Does it just seem like the time of year to prune? Are you cleaning...

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